One Goal United's Mission: Be a Force for Meaningful Change

The One Goal United organization turned out in support of the fight against AIDS. The firm's President discussed the importance of corporate philanthropy, and the benefits of giving back as a team.

“Philanthropy is more than just a good idea for us; it’s a corporate value we actively embody as often as we can,” declared Joel, President of One Goal United. “We support nonprofits and worthy causes in and around Harrisburg throughout the year, and when we give we always get at least as much back in return.”
One Goal United’s most recent event was the AIDS Walk in New York City. Joel shared that he has a personal connection with the cause, and has been involved with this particular charity for about 20 years now. 

“Our team is extremely close-knit, so when one of us is dedicated to something the rest of us get involved to support that person,” Joel stated. “Around 10 members of our team were in attendance to help out. Giving back is such an important part of what we do here, and when we can experience it with our team, there’s nothing better.”

"Philanthropy is more than just a good idea for us; it's a corporate value we actively embody as often as we can."

Joel, President

President of One Goal United Outlines Benefits of Corporate Philanthropy Program

While the primary focus of every philanthropic endeavor is to make a positive impact, there are many side benefits as well. For instance, charitable events make great networking opportunities. Everyone there is motivated to make a difference in the world, and willing to put in the effort to make that difference – exactly the type of people One Goal United brand experts want to meet.

“The camaraderie that we build though our giving program is priceless as well,” Joel said. “When we get together outside our professional roles and commit ourselves to a worthy cause, we’re building lasting friendships. These create a collaborative atmosphere in our workplace that makes teamwork easier and more effective.” 

This inviting workplace community inspires engagement and increases retention, two more excellent reasons for businesses to give back. By helping One Goal United succeed, team members are ensuring that a force for good will continues to exist in the Harrisburg area.

“Millennials form a generation that is committed to social change, and by devoting time and resources to worthy causes we attract some of the brightest young talent in the area,” Joel explained. “This is yet one more reason for businesses to get involved in giveback. I’m proud to run a company that prioritizes philanthropy, and glad that being generous has so many positive side effects.” 

About One Goal United:

One Goal United is a premier interactive marketing agency. They specialize in promotions that help brands break away from the competition. Each campaign is led by forward-thinking individuals who know how to articulate product benefits and reach consumers fast. Their initiatives are central to creating customer rapport that leads to repeat business. One Goal United’s team works seamlessly to apply their talent and passion to each outreach project. They are empowered and inspired to use their innovation to surpass the status quo. To learn more about this team’s accomplishments, visit them at

Source: One Goal United