Omega Welcomes Net Promoter Score Users to Participate in Its Acclaimed Customer Service Excellence Award Program

Under Omega's NorthFace ScoreBoard AwardSM Audit Program, any organization using the Net Promoter Score can be recognized for delivering "world class" customer service

Omega Management Group Corp., specialists in driving client revenue and profits by maximizing customer satisfaction and loyalty through Customer Experience Management (CEM) strategy, announced today that organizations using the Net Promoter ScoreTM (NPSTM) loyalty system can now participate in its prestigious NorthFace ScoreBoard AwardSM (NFSB) Audit Program, which recognizes excellence in customer service.

As the first and only award for customer loyalty and satisfaction voted exclusively by a company's own customers, the NFSB Award has become the only objective benchmark for exceptional customer service since its inception in 2000. NFSB Award recipients typically feature the award in their corporate branding and overall sales and marketing activities. To be considered for the NFSB Award, NPS users must meet the award's demanding criteria for consistently exceeding customer expectations.

"The NorthFace ScoreBoard Award recognizes organizations who not only offer exemplary customer service, but who also center their existence on a deep commitment to consistently exceeding customer expectations," said John Alexander Maraganis, president & CEO of Omega. "There is no award designed specifically for NPS users that recognizes such achievement at this high level, so we are pleased to offer a pathway for NPS users to join the elite group of NFSB Award recipients."

Omega's proprietary NFSB Award methodology measures customer satisfaction and loyalty levels on a 5-point scale a minimum of four times during a calendar year in such categories as technical support, field service, customer service and account management. Companies must achieve a score of 4.0 or above from their customers to receive the NFSB Award. The Net Promoter Score relies on answers to a single question: how likely is it that you would recommend [Company X] to a friend or colleague? The responses are interpreted on scale of zero to 10 where zero is "not at all likely to recommend" and 10 is "extremely likely to recommend."

There are four steps required for an NPS user to receive the NorthFace ScoreBoard Award.
1. Achieve a designated Net Promoter Score determined by loyalty rankings of all NFSB Award recipients for each calendar year
2. Authorize Omega to audit their survey methodology and results and certify the findings
3. Have at least one employee complete the Advocate curriculum of Omega's Certified CEM Professional (CEMPROTM) training program
4. Communicate the NFSB-NPS methodology and results to internal and external stakeholders through a quarterly report card.

NFSB-NPS Methodology
First, Omega calculates the required NPS percentage on a calendar year basis solely according to scores of its own NFSB Award recipients. Companies who receive the NFSB Award based on customer satisfaction responses -- but use NPS to measure customer loyalty -- are added in aggregate. Next, all NFSB Award recipients who use Omega's 5-point loyalty scale are converted to NPS (see table below) and aggregated with the NPS users. The total is then averaged, with the result being the NPS rating needed to become a NFSB-NPS recipient.

Here is an example of this methodology for calendar year 2011. Ten (10) NFSB Award recipients use NPS and have a combined NPS percentage of 350%. Add to this group ten (10) NFSB Award recipients who use Omega's 5-point Loyalty Scale which, when converted to NPS, totals a combined rating of 320%. The two aggregated ratings equal 670% which, when divided by 20 (the number of all recipients), equals an NFSB-NPS rating of 34% (rounded). This percentage then becomes the threshold that all NPS users must meet or exceed to qualify for the NFSB Award for 2011.

NFSB-NPS Loyalty Conversion Table
Omega Rating System
Net Promoter Score
5 = Definitely recommend 9-10 = Promoters (extremely likely to recommend)
4 = Likely to recommend 8 = Passives
3 = May recommend 7 = Passives
2 = Unlikely to recommend 3-6 = Detractors
1 = Definitely will not recommend 0-2 = Detractors (extremely unlikely to recommend)
Basis for NPS Conversion NPS is the percentage of promoters minus percentage of detractors.

The second criteria to determine NFSB-NPS eligibility requires NPS users to authorize Omega to audit their survey methodology and results on a quarterly basis for a full calendar year. They also must sign a statement verifying the objectivity of the survey questions, processes and survey findings.

The third requirement is that NPS users must have at least one management-level employee complete the Advocate curriculum of Omega's Certified CEM Professional (CEMPROSM) training program. The web-based CEMPRO Advocate curriculum certifies that individuals responsible for designing, implementing and managing customer satisfaction and loyalty programs have mastered the 12 key components necessary to build a successful CEM strategy that drive improved processes and bottom-line results.

The fourth and final requirement for NPS users to qualify for the NorthFace ScoreBoard Award is to issue a quarterly report card to internal and external stakeholders that provides details on the NFSB-NPS methodology and results. The report card includes an audit statement from Omega that attests to the validity and accuracy of all metrics and statements shown in the report.

Those interested in learning more about the NorthFace ScoreBoard Audit Program for Net Promoter Score users should contact Laura Carroll, senior marketing research analyst, at 978/715-2593 or

About Omega
Since 1984, the Omega Management Group Corp. has been a recognized expert in developing and implementing customer and employee experience management strategy (CEM) programs that lead to increased product and service revenue and profits. Services include customer and employee surveys, employee incentive programs, benchmark research and analysis, consulting, key account retention strategies, win-back strategies and marketing of customer satisfaction results to employees, customers and the marketplace. For more information, visit or call (800) 711-5196.

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