oddWires Partners With Zerynth to Accelerate IoT Deployment to All Major Platforms
WALNUT CREEK, Calif., March 5, 2019 (Newswire.com) - oddWires IoT-Bus is now a supported platform for Zerynth embedded Python/C enabling rapid IoT development from idea to deployment and integration with Amazon AWS, Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud Platform, IBM Cloud and others. The first step is Zerynth support for two of the oddWires IoT-Bus ESP32-based boards – Io and Proteus.
Learn more about the Zerynth support of the IoT-Bus Proteus and Io boards in the Zerynth documentation.
The oddWires IoT-Bus system is based on a low-cost, open design around the Espressif ESP32 processor that is designed to be "plug and play" using stackable modules and support multiple platforms and frameworks. Works with Mozilla IoT, Alexa and Google Home.
IoT-Bus is the foundation of a range of highly cost-effective and compatible range of modules designed around the ESP32 240MHz Dual-core Processor with Wi-Fi and Bluetooth. The initial release of IoT-Bus includes eight modules and includes processor modules, controller modules, communications modules as well a QVGA 320x240 Touch-sensitive TFT Display and a prototyping board.
IoT-Bus processor modules include Wi-Fi and Bluetooth as standard with LoRa and CAN Bus available. Secure boot, flash encryption, hardware acceleration for AES, Hash (SHA-2), RSA and ECC are all part of the firmware.
IoT-Bus Modules
Io - The smallest form factor processor module. The IoT-Bus IO is based on the Espressif 240 MHz Dual-Core ESP32 processor. Very small and breadboard-friendly. Incorporates a Li-Po battery charger.
Proteus - Perfect for testing and early deployment. The IoT-Bus Proteus is based on the Espressif 240 MHz Dual-Core ESP32 processor. Larger and designed to make it possible to prototype a complete IoT solution on one board.
Touch Display - Excellent touch-sensitive 2.4" TFT display with an IoT-Bus socket gives the user a plug and play display for development. Ask us about our new deployment board that integrates our Io and Touch Display for a complete IoT solution with display.
JTAG - Stack the JTAG debugger, open up PlatformIO and debug. Works with OpenOCD and GDB.
LoRa - This IoT-Bus module utilizes the Hope RFM95 to offer low-cost, LoRa radio transmission and a Wi-Fi / LoRa gateway. Excellent for long-distance, low data-rate applications.
CAN Bus - CAN Bus speeds to 1 Mbps. Regular and extended packets supported.
Motor - Simple to remotely control up to 4 DC motors or two bi-polar stepper motors in a very small form-factor.
Relay - Makes it easy to control devices through Mozilla IoT, Alexa and Google Home.
IoT Design and Build Services
IoT-Bus makes it simple to stack the boards and develop an IoT solution. When it comes to deployment, ask us about our services to incorporate one or more of these building blocks with a user's own components to create an IoT solution designed specifically for that user's company.
oddWires IoT-Bus opens the Internet of Things. It offers rapid, low-cost IoT enablement through its range of Espressif ESP32 based boards with a plug and play oddWires IoT-Bus. The IoT-Bus range includes JTAG, CAN Bus, a QVGA Touch Display, LoRa, Relay and Motor control boards.
Zerynth simplifies IoT development providing an easy and efficient way to program the most popular 32-bit micro-controllers in Python and connect them to the top Cloud infrastructures, with high-level standards of security. With R&D in Pisa, Italy, and a global sales team, Zerynth is helping thousands of developers around the world to develop new IoT products and Industry 4.0 applications with reduced costs and improved time-to-market.
Media Contact:
Ian Archbell
Phone: + 1-855-463-9473 x101
Direct: + 1-925-314-5540
Email: ian@oddwires.com
Source: oddWires