Obi and Belinda Ndu Are Passionate About Their Relationship Resource Center Covenant Marriage Academy

Obi and Belinda Ndu aim to help other families and provide the resources to see marriages succeed.

Self-made entrepreneurs and authors Obi and Belinda Ndu are most passionate about their ongoing project to help families and ensure marriages succeed. Their venture, Covenant Marriage Academy, provides tools and resources to help couples understand that when done God’s way, 100 percent of marriages can work. The launch of their new website will include webinars and e-learnings that touch on topics like communication skills and emotional cheating. The couple will also be offering relationship counseling.

The Ndus are a vegetarian family with five children. Together they own five successful businesses. Obi Ndu was born in a third-world country and has been working since the age of 11. He has understood for a long time the transformative power of knowledge and uses that as a springboard for his work as an entrepreneur, author and trainer, where he has been enlightening both individuals and audiences for more than 17 years. Ndu is also a certified marriage counselor and co-author of numerous marriage programs.

Belinda Ndu is a certified marriage counselor through "Marriage on the Rock" and has helped countless couples renew and restore their marriage back to its honeymoon phase. She is building on this work to facilitate and coordinate programs, workshops, conferences and events through Covenant Marriage Academy to enable couples at all stages of their relationship to reach their fullest potential through true surrender to God first and second to each other.

"We are so excited and passionate about our work helping couples to succeed in marriage through relationship counseling, marriage retreats, and other learning resources," says Belinda Ndu. "As Christians, we believe that when you put God first in your marriage and when it’s done God’s way, all marriages can not only survive but thrive."

The Ndus have already had success in helping other couples with their previous five-week relationship enrichment and restoration program that is accompanied by workbooks and an affirmation guide designed to restore and repair brokenness individually first before working on their marriage. Over the past 17 years, the couple has also broken records in their respective industries and have been featured in Success from Home Magazine, Huffington Post, Profiles of Success, ABC, NBC, Fox News and countless other publications.

To learn more about Obi and Belinda Ndu and access resources on their Covenant Marriage Academy, visit

About Covenant Marriage Academy
Covenant Marriage Academy is a resource center for couples to access help, become empowered or even encouraged to stay together. The Ndus believe that 100 percent of marriages can work if they are done God's way. For more information, visit

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Source: Covenant Marriage Academy

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About Covenant Marriage Academy

Covenant Marriage Academy is a resource center for couples to get help, get empowered or even encouraged to stay together. We believe that 100% of Marriage can work if they are done God's way.

Covenant Marriage Academy
260 Woodcreek Ln
Fayettevill , Ga

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