Oakreative Launches eBook about Customer Service on Social Media

New eBook offers insights on what are the best practices for exceptional Customer Service on Social Media.

Social media is an ideal place to foster and nurture emotional connections with consumers and to prove to that customer that the brand’s values are aligned with theirs.

In 2015 the most successful brands will use social media to carry their values and identity into the news feeds, hearts and minds of their social media audiences—not details of their specific products or services.

Businesses that aren’t offering some kind of customer service via social media, are missing the boat.

Research now proves the benefits are lasting and profitable — and who wouldn’t want in on that?

Social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter have evolved to become more than emergent platforms for marketing and advertising. Increasingly, they are also valid and important channels through which consumers solicit and receive customer service.

Some organizations are so savvy at social media customer service they’re using it to drive sales higher than they’ve ever been, engage customers in new ways and build brand recognition that might rival retail stalwarts.

On Oakreative’s last eBook, entitled “Digital Marketing Trends for 2015”, the second most important trend this year is provide customer service through social media. This way, the digital agency decided to launch a new e-Book exclusively about this trend.

Highlights include:

  • The best strategies to implement on social networks;
  • The best practices to implement on customer service;
  • Reasons to adopt customer service on social media.

To download Oakreative’s eBook, “Social Media and Customer Service”, please go to http://bit.ly/1AlWpQm.