Norton Global Asset Management Plans Expansion Starting With India

Norton Global Asset Management believes the region is the generator for the world's economic growth and sees India as its first step on the ladder to achieving offices throughout Asia.

With Asia’s growth continuing at a rapid pace and far from finished Norton Global Asset Management, the Hong Kong based provider of asset management services is planning on opening an office in India to take advantage of the predicted growth in the region. Norton Global said they were heading over to Mumbai, India’s financial capital to look for suitable office space in the beginning of December.

As predicted previously by Norton Global Asset Management, India is expected to eclipse China as Asia’s fastest growing economy this year. Believing that Asia as a whole will actually account for seven of the globes top 15 growing markets between now and 2019. This they say would be led by India and they are determined to get their foot in the door at the earliest opportunity.

Norton Global predict that over the next year, two-thirds of the fastest-expanding markets in terms of the U.S. dollar would be in Asia. Predicting that Asia would account for seven of the world’s top 15 growing markets through to 2019, led by India and closely followed by China.  Other countries not far behind and with growing economies include Indonesia, Malaysia and the Philippines. Norton Global believe that Thailand would be included in it thoughts but with the current political crisis still not over, they want to sit back and watch developments from afar.