Northern Management Events Highlights Training Efforts

Professional development is an ongoing endeavor at Northern Management Events. According to the firm's CEO, the team enjoyed a recent visit from a trainer who discussed goal setting.

“Everyone here at Northern Management Events is eager to learn and grow,” said Thea, the company’s CEO. “Needless to say, we were all pleased to hear what our guest, Jess H., had to say. She came from Nashville, and is a top-notch trainer. It’s no wonder she gets to travel and educate others so often! We came away from the training class with knowledge of new techniques and best practices for achieving daily, weekly, and monthly goals.”

According to Thea, Northern Management Events’ team members have developed in other ways as well. For instance, they spent several weeks focusing specifically on long-range thinking and how it instills a sense of purpose and motivation among them. As a result, they feel more empowered than ever to shape the company and realize their common vision.

"Everyone here at Northern Management Events is eager to learn and grow,"

Thea, CEO

“Will in particular has made huge progress recently,” stated Thea. “As one of our leaders, he’s really come a long way in terms of taking ownership of his work. He’s also been taking advantage of the interview seminars we provide, and it’s improved his skill set tremendously. Will recently read a book on the habits of successful people, written by Malcolm Gladwell. I think that has contributed to his advancement as well.”

CEO of Northern Management Events Cites Benefits of Continuous Learning

Thea explained that there are numerous reasons the Northern Management Events team is so invested in continuous professional development. “Even when you think you’ve succeeded, there are always greater ambitions to pursue,” she continued. “The only way to achieve lasting success is to keep reaching for it. The moment you stop learning new things, you stop advancing.”

The company CEO pointed out that a consistently sharp mind is one of the many outcomes of continuous learning. It is imperative to stay well informed, especially in an era of constant technological innovation. Skill sets must stay up to date with the latest trends and applications.

“Frequently enjoying fresh knowledge also boosts confidence,” Thea concluded. “People tend to fear the things they don’t understand. It makes sense that the more you know, the more assured you will feel. At Northern Management Events, we think the fact that we will never know all there is to know is a wonderful thing! It means the possibilities are endless for our firm, our people, and the brands we serve.”

About Northern Management Events

Northern Management Events is an event-based marketing firm specializing in crafting promotions that build bonds between consumers and brands. The team excels at launching products into new markets and quickly driving profits. This success has afforded Northern Management Events the pleasure of working with businesses of all sizes. Its vast portfolio includes Fortune 500 companies, as well as local start-ups. With a flexible approach and a team-driven passion for results, the firm is primed for expansion. 

About Northern Management Events

Northern Management Events' dynamic on-site campaigns are designed to propel brand visibility and enhance profitability.

Northern Management Events
15 Corporate Pl S , ##130
Piscataway Township, NJ


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