Nominations Open for the 2024 SEPA Power Player Awards, Recognizing Excellence in Energy Innovation

The Smart Electric Power Alliance (SEPA) is pleased to announce the opening of nominations for the highly anticipated 2024 SEPA Power Player Awards. Recognizing excellence and leadership in energy innovation, these awards signify a pivotal moment in the collective journey toward a decarbonized electric power system. This year's awards are intricately tied to SEPA’s five critical focus areas: Resilience, Transportation, Energy Storage, Emerging Technology, and Policy, along with Energy Equity — reflecting the efforts needed to address key challenges and advance towards shared goals.

Building on the success of previous award programs, SEPA’s 2024 Power Player Awards will recognize and honor the outstanding contributions of utilities, corporations, regulators, policymakers and other energy stakeholders, project teams and/or individuals who played an essential role in advancing actionable solutions to progress a carbon-free system between Jan. 1, 2023, and Dec. 31, 2023.

The six award categories include:

  • Resilience Power Player of the Year
  • Transportation Electrification Power Player of the Year
  • Emerging Technology Power Player of the Year
  • Policy Power Player of the Year
  • Energy Storage Power Player of the Year
  • Equity Power Player of the Year

SEPA will accept nominations until the deadline on March 4, 2024. Winners will be recognized at the Power Player Awards ceremony on April 30, 2024, in Coronado, California.

"SEPA’s mission is focused on advancing actionable solutions to achieve a carbon-free energy system, and that carbon-free future depends on our united ability to foster ingenuity, provide visionary direction, and cultivate cooperative efforts throughout the energy sector. With over 1,100 members nationwide, collaboration is at the center of what we do. The SEPA Power Player Awards provide a platform to highlight the significant achievements made by utilities, corporations, and other energy stakeholders, showcasing projects and initiatives that have driven progress in the industry. We are excited to celebrate the great work being done by clean energy stakeholders across SEPA’s critical focus areas," shared Sheri Givens, President and CEO of SEPA. 

To submit nominations or learn more about the awards program, please visit our website here. The nomination form can be accessed here.

An executive representative must be present to accept the award at the ceremony.

The panel of judges, composed of members from SEPA’s Research Advisory Council, Program Advisory Council, and SEPA’s internal subject matter experts, aims to eliminate bias and ensure an impartial and equitable evaluation process.

About SEPA:

The Smart Electric Power Alliance (SEPA), a 501(c)(3) organization with over 1,100 members, is dedicated to accelerating the transformation to a carbon-free electricity system. Focused on five critical focus areas including Resilience, Transportation, Energy Storage, Emerging Technology, and Policy, SEPA brings together a diverse community of electric power stakeholders committed to driving positive change. By actively shaping the future of the industry, SEPA delivers exceptional value to its extensive membership through comprehensive research, educational initiatives, engaging events, and collaborative projects. SEPA plays a vital role in contributing to the collective efforts towards a carbon-free energy landscape. For more information, please visit

Source: Smart Electric Power Alliance

About Smart Electric Power Alliance

The Smart Electric Power Alliance (SEPA), a 501(c)(3) organization with over 1,000 members, is dedicated to accelerating the transformation to a clean, affordable, equitable, and resilient electricity system.

Smart Electric Power Alliance
1800 M Street , #NW Front 1
Washington, DC


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