LOUISVILLE, Ky., August 3, 2020 ( - On Sunday, July 26, 2020, Noir Black Chamber Of Commerce Inc. (NOIRBCC) became Kentucky’s newest Community Development Entity (CDE) certified through the Community Development Financial Institutions (CDFI) Fund under The U.S. Department of the Treasury. The chamber will focus its efforts on identifying economic development projects that improve dis-invested neighborhoods that will create jobs for those living in those low-income communities.
On Aug. 19, 2019, the launch of Noir Black Chamber Of Commerce Inc was announced in a press conference on the front steps of 1151 South Fourth Street, Louisville, Kentucky hosted by the Louisville Metro Council President, David James.
Since its inception, Noir Black Chamber Of Commerce Inc., led by its Founder and Chief Executive Officer, John Howard Shaw-Woo, has made significant strides in helping Black entrepreneurs and small black businesses start, grow, and sustain themselves through the teaching of best business practices, business plan development, analytical thinking, the formation of synergistic collaborative partnerships, as well as mentoring. Other accomplishments are the growth in memberships from 10 to 125 members, and the establishment of a national organization serving members in California, Indiana, Kentucky, North Carolina, Ohio, and Texas. The chamber has also created the following member consortiums to build collaborations between members and their industries: Black Realty Consortium: Black Political Education Consortium, MBE Construction Consortium, Black Lives Matter Consortium, and Black Filmmakers Consortium, which is currently working on two reality TV shows and a documentary film on health issues facing Black Americans. The chamber also helped in the establishment of Kentucky Institute for Music Industry Development Inc. (K|M|D) led by R&B Recording Artist Brian Scott aka “B. Stille” from the rap quartet Nappy Roots. NOIRBCC is headquartered in Louisville Kentucky at 2900 W Broadway, Suite 223, Louisville, KY 40211 where it offers programming centered around FDIC Money Smart Courses, Homebuyer Education, Home Acquisition, and Teens Professional Career Pathways to move Black youth toward higher professional careers that will lead to improved economic and social mobility.
“With this new Community Development Entity designation, NOIRBCC can now move forward with its plans to truly assist Black Communities and Low-Income areas across the country by identifying and supporting New Market Tax Credit projects that will create jobs and economic mobility for residents living in dis-invested neighborhoods. NOIRBCC will support and take on projects that will truly beautify and uplift communities not gentrify and displace residents.
NOIR BLACK CHAMBER OF COMMERCE INC., is a national 501(c)(3) nonprofit Community Development Entity (CDE) headquartered in Louisville Kentucky, which is dedicated to improving the lives of African Americans through the pursuit of economic and social mobility via the following avenues; Affordable Housing, Entitlement Reform, Community Health and Wellness, Small Business Support, Teen Professional Career Attainment, Urban Hunger, Workforce Development, and the Arts.
For more information, (502) 777-6307 or or visit