No Rest for the Wicked or for Those With Student Loans May Not Be True for AFBC Clients

Constant Headache

People don’t like feeling trapped in tough situations - that holds true for dealing with burdensome student loans. No days off, no vacations, no sick days taken and countless hours of overtime - and still never enough money. This scenario is too common of a reality for people trying to pay off student loans. American Financial Benefits Center (AFBC), a document preparation service company, has helped thousands of student loan borrowers apply for federal programs that allow them to better afford their situation so that hopefully less extreme work habits may not be as necessary.

“Working long hours more days than not just to wake up and repeat the process over and over again is draining. That’s why breaks and vacations are important to rejuvenate,” said Sara Molina, manager at AFBC. Men who don’t take vacations were found to be 30 percent more likely to have a heart attack over a nine-year period. That’s just one study. For each different study done on the negative effects of not taking a vacation, the results provide information to help better understand other health risks. However, most people aren’t avoiding taking vacations because they want to or because they’re a workaholic. It is because they’re worried about the consequences of what will happen financially if they do. If people have heavy financial obligations, like student loans, they may be hesitant to do anything that sets them back on paying them off.

Working long hours more days than not just to wake up and repeat the process over and over again is draining. That's why breaks and vacations are important to rejuvenate.

Sara Molina, Manager at AFBC

AFBC has helped many of its clients struggle less with their student loan debt by helping them enroll for federal income-driven repayment programs that can potentially lower their monthly payments. For some clients, lower student monthly payments may mean that they no longer have to work themselves into the ground to cover their other bills and repay student loans. They may even be able to start saving up for a well-deserved vacation. “AFBC has helped thousands of student loan borrowers and continues to help its clients better themselves through assisting in the process of applying to enroll in income-driven repayment programs and helping them with the recertification process,” said Molina.

About American Financial Benefits Center

American Financial Benefits Center is a document preparation company that helps clients apply for federal student loan repayment plans that fit their personal financial and student loan situation. Through its strict customer service guidelines, the company strives for the highest levels of honesty and integrity.

Each AFBC telephone representative has received the Certified Student Loan Professional certification through the International Association of Professional Debt Arbitrators (IAPDA).

American Financial Benefits Center Newsroom


To learn more about American Financial Benefits Center, please contact:

American Financial Benefits Center
1900 Powell Street #600
Emeryville, CA 94608

Source: American Financial Benefits Center

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About American Financial Benefits Center

American Financial Benefits Center works to align each client with the different U.S Department of Education programs available to them based on their income and occupational situation.

American Financial Benefits Center
1900 Powell Street , #600
Emeryville, CA

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