No - Nap, Driver Safety Device

No-Nap promotes safe driving by functioning as a nap zapper

" Simple things solve complicated problems." stated Vivek Bhatia, a Pune-based entrepreneur, who has devised an efficient gadget that can save the lives of drivers who fall victims to drowsiness at the wheel. Mr. Bhatia's personal experience, that involved a tragic death of a friend on the road, in Tirupati in 2004, prompted Bhatia to design No-Nap, a useful nap zapper.

Mr.Bhatia works at Warje, Pune, where he assembles the device.

An extract from DNA-City, Pune - "Most accidents are caused by drivers on the brink of dozing off. Just wearing this device will ensure that the person at the wheel is alerted at the nick of time. According to US National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), drowsy driving causes more than 1 lakh crashes a year, causing 40,000 injuries and 1,550 deaths." said Mr.Bhatia.

Statistics point to the increasing number of road fatalities, common among drivers below the age of twenty five. Accidents are common during mid-afternoon and night hours, involving long monotonous drives on highways and expressways.

About No-Nap
No-Nap has an ergonomic design, enabling the driver to fit it comfortably behind his ear. It is essentially a nap-zapper i.e. it has sounds a powerful beep as soon as the driver's head droops at the wheel. This sound is works as an effective anti-drowsiness alarm, alerting the driver so that he can focus on the road.

The sound pressure is lesser than 100db, and the alarm is sounded approximately 1 centimetre away from the driver's ear, without causing unnecessary damage. Being covered in a ABS grade plastic body in blister packing the nap zapper runs on a 3V battery.

Marketing success
No-nap is available in the Indian as well as overseas market. The product is cost-effective, priced Rs.350 in India, and $25 abroad. Although, this nap zapper has a booming market in U.S, Australia, Canada, it faces a dormant marketing scene in India.

Extract from DNA-City, Pune - Says Mr.Bhatia, "In India, drivers are required to be alert anyways, due to our potholed roads, and stray animals and distracted pedestrians. On the contrary, driving on the wide, well-maintained highways in the USA becomes monotonous, increasing one's chances of falling asleep. This explains the demand for No-Nap."

With average sales of 10,000 units per month, Mr.Bhatia has successfully managed to sell 50,000 units in the Indian market, and 3.5 lakh units in the U.S.

The nap-zapper can be ordered and paid online gthrough secured transactional gateways like Paypal from Mr.Bhatia's website

Postive customer response
The site promotes No-Nap, as a 100% reliable nap zapper or doze alert. It has indeed lived up to it's name, successful in preventing road hazards. With a huge customer base all over the world, No-Nap has been received positively by almost every customer.

About The No Nap
