No More Phone Tag Offers an Outstanding Bilingual Answering Service

No More Phone Tag provides top-notch phone answering services essential to the medical industry.

No More Phone Tag, Inc.

No More Phone Tag provides top-notch phone answering services essential to the medical industry. They have quality and customized options, and so medical professionals don’t need to worry about making certain calls a priority as their products allow one to escalate a system on the basis of urgency. By offering professional answering services, they allow medical professionals to focus on important activities related to the running of their businesses. No More Phone Tag has a yearly retention rate of 96.9 percent; only retired doctors cease to be their customers. They offer a 14-day free trial, and 9 out of the 10 doctors who tried them ended up choosing their service.

Addressing medical professionals in a recent conference, their Sales Director said, “We are the most preferred answering service in the medical industry. We give you guys a 14-day trial, which is long enough to test what we do and decide whether it will work for you or not. Interestingly, for every 10 doctors why try us, 9 of them end up signing up. We are also affordable; most providers charge per hour or even per minute, and others have high monthly charges. Ours is a flat rate of only $65 per month for high-quality, customizable answering services.”

We are the most preferred answering service in the medical industry. We give you guys a 14-day trial, which is long enough to test what we do and decide whether it will work for you or not. Interestingly, for every 10 doctors why try us, 9 of them end up signing up. We are also affordable; most provider do charge per hour or even per minute, and others have high monthly charges. Ours is a flat rate of only $65 per month for high-quality, customizable answering services.

No More Phone Tag, Inc.

Given their diverse client base, No More Phone Tag offers trustworthy bilingual answering services. So, whether patients speak Spanish, Russian, English, Chinese, French or any other language, their savvy and seasoned team will fully conversant with the nuances needed for stellar customer support. They’ll set up a system for bilingual calls. While they work around the clock, the quality of their call answering services doesn’t go down at unsocial hours; it remains professional and top-grade.

The Sales Director added, “Our staff has years of experience in the industry, and so the duration of our learning curve is negligible. This helps to maximize profits for our clients right from day one. We have a team of friendly and patient customer support executives, and this helps them to build Strong relationships with customers. Our services don’t come with lock-ins or contracts; we make it easy for you to get started with us, and we don’t push unwanted terms onto you. Besides, we do engage native speakers who’ve undergone intense training to deliver world-class quality through each call. Other than that, you’ll find us affordable plus no hidden costs to our services.”

Physicians searching for the best medical call center won’t go wrong because this company has trained professionals who know how to separate non-urgent calls from urgent ones. They answer phone calls on the first ring, and information obtained from urgent calls is usually relayed to the on-call physician within 3 seconds. They do send emergency messages to home or cell phones, via email or text. They also give doctors an opportunity to return calls.

About No More Phone Tag

The company works with large, medium and small enterprises to meet the cann answering needs of its clients. They offer cost-effective and high-quality answering services in the medical and property management domains.

If you are Looking For Bilingual Answering Service contact No More Phone Tag because of the quality of their service, reliability, and cost-effectiveness.


About No More Phone Tag, Inc.

No More Phone Tag offers on-call after-hours answering services for physicians customized to the wants and needs of individual clients.

No More Phone Tag, Inc.
787 S. State St., suite #B
Westerville, OH

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