NFL All-Pro Jason Witten To Appear on Inside Sports: News You Can Almost Trust

Inside Sports and Shotz Energy Drink, both of Dallas Texas have secured Dallas Cowboy All-Pro tight end Jason Witten to appear on Inside Sports "Jamming with Danni" segment. Segment to be shot LIVE at Gordon Biersch on July 21st in Dallas, TX

Dallas Cowboy's All-Pro tight-end, Jason Witten, the favorite target of quarterback Tony Romo, has signed on to appear as a special guest for Inside Sports first ever episode.

"We couldn't be more excited to have the NFL's top tight end appear on our first ever show. Special thanks goes out to Mark Eshelmen (Director of Business Development) of Shotz Energy drink for putting this deal together in the first place. Jason is under contract with Shotz, so kudo's for both of them for making this happen,"Producer Mark McClure stated.

Jason will be part of the "Jamming with Danni" segment, the 5 minute Q&A portion of the show with host Danni Boatwright. The interview will be shot on location at Gordon Biersch Restaurant and Brewery in Dallas, TX on July 21st, with more than 300+ viewers expected to attend. Patrons and fans will also have a chance to ask the NFL great questions upon completion of the interview portion of the show.

"We originally had NFL All-Pro's Matt Cassel and Brandon Marshall slated to appear via satellite, but with it being shot in Dallas and Jason Witten such a huge favorite of this city, it made sense to bring on a Dallas Cowboy for the first show. Cassel and Marshall are class acts and two of the top players in the league at their position and we look forward to bringing them back in shows two and three. But the live viewers really wanted a Cowboy for show number one and along with Shotz Energy, I am proud to say that we delivered," McClure ended.

The "Jamming with Danni" event will take place Wednesday, July 21st from 4-9PM. The interview segment and Q&A with Jason Witten will take place from 5:45-6:30PM. Get there early to ensure a good seat.