NFI Consumer Products Releases New Product: Cardio Defender
Online, August 24, 2012 ( - Nitric Oxide (NO) is not a new discovery. Nor is the fact that NO underproduction can contribute to illnesses related to things like heart disease, high blood pressure, damage from "free-radicals" and many other cardiovascular ailments. It's also not new that NO is not something that you can take orally via supplements. What is new is Cardio Defender Cardio Defender .
NFI Consumer Products , makers of the pain relief cream Blue-Emu along with many other health and wellness products, introduces Cardio Defender. It's a product aimed at increasing Nitric Oxide production in the body.
"Nitric Oxide isn't something you can just eat more of," NFI Chairman Richard Guy explained, "and since it influences nearly every human organ, low production should be taken very seriously. That's where Cardio Defender comes in."
Research shows that NO guards against many common diseases, notably by controlling blood flow. NO helps regulate blood pressure, keeps damaging plaque in the arteries at bay, minimizes the risk of stroke, as well as helps mediate complications from Alzheimer's disease, erectile dysfunction, arthritis, infections and ulcers. Since Nitric Oxide is not a supplement you can ingest directly, an acceptable way of increasing levels in your body is to take combinations that help your body produce NO on its own.
So how does Cardio Defender work to increase levels of NO in the body? Nitric Oxide is manufactured in the body in the endothelium, which is a thin, fragile layer of cells that lines interior surfaces of blood vessels. Endothelium produces less NO when it's damaged by age or an unhealthy lifestyle. Cardio Defender combines amino acids, certain antioxidants, and vitamins that enable your body to naturally produce more NO.
"Since it's such an important part to so many of the body's systems, we worked with doctors to really understand the best way to help the body produce more NO", Guy said.
Cardio Defender, a new product from NFI Consumer Products, can be found in Sam's Clubs nationwide as well as on their website: