New York Group Keeps Team Members Engaged

Keeping team members happy and engaged are top priorities for New York Group's management. The firm's president described some techniques for doing so.

“I know how valuable my people are at New York Group, and I will never underestimate them,” said the company’s president. “They are talented and motivated, and they propel the success of our organization. Not only that, but they’re simply great people. I am committed to doing all I can to keep them on board and performing with excellence.”

The president pointed out that, in today’s workforce, only 30 percent of American professionals are happy with their careers. Further, 50 percent are ambivalent about their work and 20 percent are actively disengaged with it. “These numbers are certainly discouraging,” he stated. “I intend to keep New York Group in that 30 percent by making sure my team members have well-defined roles, opportunities to make valuable contributions, and options for continuous development.”

"According to sound research, managers have the biggest impact on the engagement of their people,"

New York Groups President Explained How Managers Can Drive Engagement

“According to sound research, managers have the biggest impact on the engagement of their people,” continued New York Group’s president. “There are plenty of ways these individuals can ensure animated, supportive, and high-energy workplaces. They should begin by clarifying company goals in ways that are meaningful to associates. Objectives should be clearly connected to day-to-day operations, so everyone knows how their work impacts the group. The usefulness of planning sessions, training, and other initiatives must be fully understood.”

The firm’s president also indicated that leaders should connect with their team members individually. There are a multitude of factors that influence engagement, such as responsibilities, gender, and generation. When managers get to know their people, including their strengths, likes, and dislikes, they can tailor their efforts to motivate associates based on specific knowledge. In doing so, leaders also show team members that they care, which matters greatly.

“I think it’s also necessary to remember some general information on engagement,” the president added. “For example, people just starting their careers and those nearing the ends of their careers are more engaged than those somewhere in the middle. However, millennials are more likely to leave their jobs should better opportunities arise. Also, women tend to be a bit more engaged than men overall. These are all useful details when considering team member happiness.”

“The bottom line is that ambitious people want to love their jobs and feel fulfilled in their careers,” the company president concluded. “It’s up to leaders to make doing so as easy as possible. As a result, performance soars and businesses thrive. Everyone wins.”

About New York Group

New York Group produces interactive promotional campaigns that deliver consistent results for businesses of all sizes. By applying in-depth planning to a dynamic strategy, their highly-skilled team members design customized initiatives that leave a lasting impression on each client’s ideal audience. This approach leads to long-term connections between brands and consumers while providing a high investment return. As New York Management Group's reputation as an industry leader rapidly grows, plans are being made for future expansion into new markets. For more information about the firm’s unique, results-driven approach, visit their website today.