New York Group Eyes Year-End Success

The executives at New York Group highlighted the group's efforts to exceed goals in 2015. The firm's president outlined the benefits of strategic planning.

“This has been an outstanding year for us at New York Group,” said the company’s president. “We are on track to exceed our goals. This is due to the diligence of our team and the rigorous planning we did at the beginning of the year.”

The executive team started the year with a comprehensive leadership plan, which was integrated into the company’s strategic goals. “Given the increased scope of our business, we wanted to reinforce our leadership capabilities,” said the president. “Therefore, our leaders were given specific objectives to enhance their skills.”

"One of the most important abilities a leader must have is strategic thinking,"

“One of the most important abilities a leader must have is strategic thinking,” he added. “It’s important to be able to step back from a project and take the broader business perspective.” For instance, associates are encouraged to think about the big picture when they work on campaigns. “Our leaders should be thinking about the financial benefits the brand will realize from their work, and how it will impact New York Group’s future business,” said the president.

New York Group is on track to exceed end-of-year goals largely due to the company’s team-based culture. “When people collaborate, they learn from each other,” remarked the president. “As a result, we are more efficient, which means we consistently deliver on time while we contain costs. It makes our customers happy.”

New York Group Highlights the Benefits of Strategic Planning

The beginning of the calendar year is a critical time for New York Group. “Believe it or not, January is a busy time for us,” said the president. “We define our high-level goals, which constitute our roadmap for the entire year.” From there, the team develops short-term goals to represent the projects that are executed during the year. “When we have a strategic plan in place, it’s easy for everyone to see the big picture,” he added.

Part of the planning effort involves setting objectives for all team members. “When individuals understand how their efforts contribute to the bottom line, everyone benefits,” said the president. “Associates become motivated to succeed, which energizes the business. Plus, we can work with each person to refine his or her professional goals. This enables us to build a stronger organization.”

The president and the executive team are eager to finish the year on a positive note. “New York Group is poised to finish 2015 with stellar results,” he said. “The foundation for success is proper planning and strategic thinking. We have a team that is capable of exceeding whatever goals are put before it. I am even more excited to see what next year will bring.”

About New York Group

 New York Group produces interactive promotional campaigns that deliver consistent results for businesses of all sizes. By applying in-depth planning to a dynamic strategy, their highly-skilled team members design customized initiatives that leave a lasting impression on each client’s ideal audience. This approach leads to long-term connections between brands and consumers while providing a high investment return. As New York Group's reputation as an industry leader rapidly grows, plans are being made for future expansion into new markets. For more information about the firm’s unique, results-driven approach, visit their website today.