New York Financial PR Firm Develops Networking App That Assists With Business Development

The New York financial PR firm - Macias PR - has just released a mobile communications app that guides people through those uncomfortable networking situations.

The New York financial PR firm – Macias PR – has just released a mobile communications app that guides people through those uncomfortable networking situations.

Networking is essential for business development, yet statistics show roughly 50 percent of the population hates the thought of mingling with strangers, according to a Psychology Today study. For introverts, the task of networking can be even more daunting.

"Everyone at a networking event has the same goal; find leads, make sales and create new money. This mobile app helps you through those awkward moments, helping you move the conversation forward with thought-provoking questions."

Mark Macias, Owner of Macias PR

The new communications appBlush No More - is equipped with thought-provoking conversation starters, a body language tool kit and visual gimmicks that can improve the conversation for anyone networking for new business.

“Everyone at a networking event has the same goal; find leads, make sales and create new money,” said Mark Macias – owner of Macias PR. “We’ve all been in a situation where the conversation hits a wall. Sometimes you’re emotionally spent from the day and not thinking clearly. Blush No More helps you through those exhausting moments.”

Macias PR is leading the PR campaign for Blush No More, which has already been featured in prominent news publications around the globe, including GQ Magazine Italy, The Daily Mail UK, Yahoo China and Metro Newspapers - global edition.

That media campaign has led to downloads in more than 60 countries, including unexpected regions like Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Pakistan and China, making it the fastest growing communications app on the web, according to publisher, Mobincube.

Macias was a journalist with NBC and CBS before he started his own PR firm in 2009. His financial PR firm has led media campaigns for private equity, hedge funds and financial service providers in legal, compliance and cyber security. Macias PR has also led media campaigns for clients in the tech, health care, political and nonprofit sectors. 

Here are more networking tips Macias shared in an article for Entrepreneur Magazine, titled “How to Apply PR Skills at Networking Events.”

1. Listen and Interact

It sounds simple to say think before you speak, but when networking, always ask questions that are open-ended. Stay away from questions that can be answered with a "yes" or "no" and listen to their responses.

2. Make Eye Contact

Body language, facial expressions and eye contact are much more important than words you speak. Sociologists say roughly 55 percent of any message is conveyed through non-verbal communication. If you fail to make consistent eye contact, research shows you appear less trustworthy.

The Blush No More app provides a visual body language tool that helps users read body language based on what they are seeing in that moment. Users can compare the picture on the screen with what they are seeing, giving them guidance on whether the person is open to conversation – or ready to leave the situation.

3. Dress Appropriately

When networking, perception is based on reality - and that reality is based on what a person is wearing at that event.

Blush No More app provides gimmicks about fashion items (watch, hairstyle, purse, etc.) that can help move the conversation forward.

4. It's not about me, it's about you

Most people at networking events speak about themselves and their business. By showing interest with listening, you are better prepared to begin a relationship, Macias said.


MACIAS PR was named the 2019, 2018 and 2017 Strategic PR Firm of the Year by marketing peers. The NYC PR agency was founded by Mark Macias, a former Executive Producer with NBC and Senior Producer with CBS in New York.

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