New WordPress Plugin to Build Great Career Sites

Job Manager plugin brings the power of free recruiting software, SmartRecruiters, to the WordPress Community of 25 million.

SmartRecruiters, the free open SaaS recruiting software, announces the launch of Job Manager, a WordPress plugin that enables companies to easily build careers sites, post jobs and manage applicants.

Every company website has a careers page, yet the functionality of posting jobs on those pages, and collecting online applicants, is often done manually. This drawn out process leaves web developers and members of the hiring team unhappy. SmartRecruiters Job Manager plugin solves that problem.

"Job Manager makes building great professional career sites easy, " states Jerome Ternynck, CEO of SmartRecruiters. "It also taps into the full SmartRecruiters functionality in order to manage the entire recruiting process."

Any WordPress user can easily download the plugin, sign up for a free SmartRecruiters account, and quickly add a careers section to any WordPress page. The key features of SmartRecruiters Job Manager are:

• Create a great careers page
• Post jobs automatically
• Manage online applications

The candidates received from Job Manager - as well as from any other sources - can be managed in the SmartRecruiters Software. SmartRecruiters is the entirely free web based platform that streamlines the hiring process and its associated recruiting services. The key features of SmartRecruiters are:

• Mass job posting to free sites and job boards
• A Careers Tab on your Facebook corporate page
• Sharing of jobs on social networks
• Full applicant tracking capabilities

Anyone can download the SmartRecruiters Job Manager and sign up for a free SmartRecruiters account to add a careers section to their WordPress website or blog.

About SmartRecruiters

330 Townsend St Suite 237 San Francisco
San Francisco, CA


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