New White Paper: The State of Automotive Cybersecurity

Billington CyberSecurity

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​The auto industry is on the verge of major, disruptive change.  Connected and self-driving cars hold the promise of transforming the way the world uses transportation. To realize this transformation however, the auto industry and federal and state governments must tackle and solve the thorny issue of automotive cybersecurity, according to Billington Cybersecurity, 

A free new white paper,  ​​Cybersecurity and the Automotive Sector: Addressing the Key Challenge for Tomorrow’s Autonomous and Connected Cars, has just been released by BIllington CyberSecurity. 

When it comes to connected and autonomous vehicles, "failure is not an option. The auto industry is going to have the highest bar of anybody in cyber."

Sen. Gary Peters, D-MI

The white paper draws on the findings from the inaugural Billington Global Automotive Summit where cybersecurity experts from the auto industry, federal government, the white hat hacker community and academia, offered insights and solutions to the complex issues surrounding automotive cyber safety. 

When it comes to automotive cybersecurity, the stakes are high. As cars become more connected and reliant on wireless and interoperable communication networks, cybersecurity safeguards have become imperative. 

Sen. Gary Peters, D.-MI, told the Billington Automotive Summit, “failure is not an option. The auto industry is going to have the highest bar of anybody in cyber.”

Echoing Peters, Anthony Foxx, U.S. Secretary of Transportation, has warned that connected and autonomous vehicles will succeed only if cybersecurity best practices are adopted by all 18 world automakers.

The white paper includes links to the Automotive Cybersecurity Best Practices released by the Auto-ISAC, The Department of Transportation's Federal Automated Vehicles Policy and the National Highway Transportation Security Administration's Cybersecurity Practices for Modern Vehicles

​Click on the report title to receive your free copy  ​​Cybersecurity and the Automotive Sector: Addressing the Key Challenge for Tomorrow’s Autonomous and Connected Cars, 

In related news, three  automotive cybersecurity experts join Billington CyberSecurity's ​founder and CEO to explore the current state of automotive cybersecurity on January 11, 2017 at the North American International Auto Show.  

Thomas Billington will sit down with Jeffrey Massimilla, Chief Product Cybersecurity Officer, General Motors and John "Four" Flynn, Chief Information Security Officer, Uber, and Jeffrey Moss, Founder, Blackhat and Defcon to explore the automotive cybersecurity landscape in 2017 and beyond. 

Uber has been road testing autonomous vehicles this year as part of its strategic plan to change the face of ride sharing. General Motors will be launching its first autonomous vehicle with its partner Lyft, another ride sharing company. 

This important conversation takes place Jan. 11, at the AutoMobili-D Show, sponsored by the North American International Auto Show.  AutoMobili-D will focus on the rapidly evolving global auto and mobility markets. 

Billington CyberSecurity will hold its 2nd Annual Billington Automotive Cybersecurity Summit July 18, 2017, Cobo Center, Detroit, MI.

Billington CyberSecurity will convene two other summits in 2017.

The 2nd Annual Billington International Cybersecurity Summit, March 30, 2017, The National Press Club, Washington, D.C.

The 8th Annual Billington CyberSecurity Summit, Sept. 13, 2017, The Ronald Reagan Building and International Trade Center, Washington, D.C.

About Billington CyberSecurity

Billington CyberSecurity is an independent media company that produces high-level executive forums, conferences, and seminars about cybersecurity. The mission of Billington CyberSecurity is to bring together thought leaders from all sectors to examine the state of cybersecurity and highlight ways to strengthen the cyber defenses within government and the private sector.

Media Contact:

Helen Hoart

Sponsorship opportunities are available for all three summits.  

Please contact Peggy Holland at 301-641--4150 or email her at

Source: Billington CyberSecurity