New White Paper Explains Benefits of Vision Inspection for Food Safety and Compliance

Vision inspection systems prevent distribution of defective products, protecting consumers from illness as well as manufacturers and retailers from costly recalls.

New inspection and compliance mandates under the FDA Food Safety Modernization Act have reformed U.S. food safety laws by shifting the focus from responding to contamination to preventing it. These new laws require all food manufacturers to take measures to prevent food-borne illness, which affects about 48 million people (one in six Americans) annually.

Vision inspection systems prevent distribution of defective products, protecting consumers from illness as well as manufacturers and retailers from costly recalls. When properly installed, those systems can identify virtually all defective items on a production line, ensuring that those products never reach consumers and manufacturer's reputations remain intact.

A new white paper, "Vision Inspection," published by METTLER TOLEDO explains how vision inspection can ensure safety and high quality product in food operations by minimizing the risk of product recalls and adhering to industry standards.

Vision inspection uses cameras, lights and image processing software to identify damaged or malformed products and packages, find crooked caps or labeling and identify parts or pallets. In addition, with this technology, manufacturers can reduce personnel costs and improve inspection accuracy.

Download this white paper directly at or visit the METTLER TOLEDO Food Download Library at for this and other expert resources.

About Mettler Toledo:
METTLER TOLEDO specializes in the area of precision instruments for professional use. METTLER TOLEDO laboratory instruments are used in research, scientific, drug discovery, and quality control labs, amongst many others in the pharmaceutical, chemical, food and cosmetics industries. METTLER TOLEDO comprehensive industrial solutions cover the various steps in a host of manufacturing processes at many of the same customers that laboratory serves. Solutions range from receiving raw materials through various manufacturing processes, in-line process control and end-of-line packaging control, to logistics and shipping. Increasingly, these solutions are fully integrated into the customer's IT environment, helping automate their workflows. In food retail, our offering for fresh food management ranges from receiving and pre-packaging, to in-store solutions for self-service departments, deli counters, and checkout terminals.

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