New WebLOAD Release Now Offers Code-Free Load Testing

Bridgewater, New Jersey, June 30, 2010 - RadView Software Ltd. (OTCBB: RDVWF), announced today the availability of WebLOAD Professional 8.5

Bridgewater, New Jersey - RadView Software Ltd. (OTCBB: RDVWF), announced today the availability of WebLOAD Professional 8.5. This new release enables the creation of a complete load testing scenario with parameterization, correlation and validation without having to write a single line of code. In addition, WebLOAD 8.5 further strengthens WebLOAD`s support for Rich Internet Applications (RIA) and introduces statistical correlation reports that help in identification and isolation of performance bottlenecks.

WebLOAD 8.5 includes major enhancements to its script authoring environment that enable the creation of a load test script without writing a single line of code. To that extent, a new visual editor was introduced to enable management of parameters in one single location. The validation engine was improved to support new methods for verifying the server's desired response and to automatically generate code for response validation. The correlation engine was further extended to support additional complex correlation scenarios.

The new release continues to strengthen WebLOAD`s RIA testing leadership with superior support for AJAX and other rich internet technologies such as the Adobe Flex AMF protocol. WebLOAD 8.5 now supports all versions of Adobe Flex including Adobe's LCDS server and Flex externalizable objects.

WebLOAD 8.5 also introduces a new set of statistical correlation reports designed to automatically identify the problematic areas using statistical correlation heuristics. The reports identify and present the top measurements that are highly correlated with suspicious server performance behavior, eliminating the need for a lengthy manual investigation.

"Ease of use is one of the most important criteria that load testing tools are measured against" said Rami Goraly, RadView's CEO "WebLOAD`s code-free testing is an important theme that has been embraced by new and existing customers alike. We would like to thank all our customers and partners who provided us with feedback during the beta program."

About RadView
RadView Software Ltd. (OTCBB: RDVWF) develops, sells, and supports WebLOAD, the world's best value commercial-grade load and performance testing solution for internet applications. Deployed at over 3,000 customers and built with more than 250 engineering years, WebLOAD improves the Internet experience for everyone by helping organizations build higher quality internet applications and launching them with confidence. visit or call 1-888-RADVIEW


Press Contact:

Deborah Haddad
RadView Software