New videosite for business

Entrepreneurs, consumers and jobseekers targeted in video site for business. Using video for communication, marketing and employment purposes creates advantages only.

The growing interest of entrepreneurs in using videos for all kinds of business communications, is not so remarkable: video hostels more significant advantages and communication aspects needed to be more successful than written word, photo or print. Whether you manage a small business or a big company, whether you have local clientele, serve domestic markets or you are involved in the international business scene, video is the ultimate marketing tool for everybody who does business. is born as 'the place to be' for entrepreneurs who already use or intend to use video to expand their business is a video website for business, based on paid subscription, which contains business to business videos (b2b), business to consumer videos (b2c) and jobs videos.

Jobs video is a new phenomenon in the jobs scene: recruit and select staff by video. The employer presents his company and the vacancy in a job video. Candidates react directly to the job video with a video application and a resume. 'Live performance' of employer and candidate make communicative and social skills, presentation creativity and specific qualifications, more visible than written documents. Saving of time and costs in recruiting and appliance procedure.

If you'd like more information about this topic or to schedule an interview with John Ploeg, please give him a call or email: (+31) 6 16 44 37 00
MKB Webdesign, Enschede, Holland, was founded in 2007 by John Ploeg.

November 2nd 2009.

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