New User Interface & Spreadsheet Export to XLS, Excel 2007-2013 XLSX, PDF & ODS Online
NSW, 2067 Australia, Australia, January 14, 2015 ( - What's New in this Release?
Aspose team is happy to announce the release of HTML5 Spreadsheet Editor 1.4. It comes with all new user interface, enhanced usability, better user experience and higher performance. Editing text formatting is now available. File can be exported to various formats including XLSX, XLS and PDF. This new release comes with a new user interface which is better organized, more accessible and easy to remember. All features are represented by buttons and lists on a flat panel grouped in tabs. A good interface must have a better look for a great feel. The new version has better typography, colors, layout and element alignment, which double the user confidence to use and depend on it. Text size of buttons and tabs on top is kept small to leave wider space for user content. Positions and sizes of buttons are chosen carefully to waste minimum space. The plus sign mouse pointer, which is considered as a signature of spreadsheet editors has been added. When user moves mouse pointer over spreadsheet cells, the pointer will change into a plus sign as we see in Microsoft Excel. This gives better understandability of the interface and requires less time to learn it. The new interface has changed the previously used method of opening file from local computer and Dropbox. Both options are now available as buttons on File tab instead of menus. To open a file from local computer click Open from Computer button on File tab and select the file from Browse dialog box. To open a file from Dropbox, click Open from Dropbox button on File tab and select the file from Dropbox file chooser. The Editor now allows user to export spreadsheet to various file formats such as
• Excel 2007-2013 XLSX
• Excel 1997-2003 XLS
• Excel XLSM
• Excel XLSB
• Excel XLTX
• Excel XLTM
• SpreadsheetML
• Portable Document Format (PDF)
• OpenDocument Spreadsheet (ODS)
It fixes another issue that which is related to file download. In previous version, file was downloaded in a separate window, which was confusing and annoying sometimes. The user experience is much better and seamless now. Selecting a cell and editing it is more user friendly in 1.4. When the user click a cell, it gets selected and highlighted by a rectangular box around it. The user can always double-click a cell to edit it. This means that a cell which is being edited is always selected and highlighted by rectangular box. The highlighted cell catches eye on first look when switching between multiple windows while editing a spreadsheet. Another major feature of 1.4 is that it allows users to edit the cell formatting. To make any changes to formatting, click a cell and select any option from Format tab, such as Bold, Italic, Underlines, Font style, Font size, Left align, Right align, center align, Justified align etc. The drop-down list of sheets in the top right corner has been moved into the Sheets tab. The user can add, remove, rename, and switch to another sheet from Sheets tab. It provides buttons on Format tab to manipulate rows and columns. The user can:
• Add a row above the selected cell.
• Add a row below the selected cell.
• Add a column on the left of selected cell.
• Add a column on the right of selected cell.
• Delete the row including the selected cell.
• Delete the column including the selected cell.
HTML5 Spreadsheet Editor has been optimized internally for performance and reliability. Special care has been taken to minimize the frequency and amount of data transferred between web browser and server.
More about Aspose
Aspose offers a powerful set of file management components with which developers can create applications which can open, edit, create and save some of the most popular business file formats. Supported formats include Word documents, Excel spreadsheets, PowerPoint presentations, PDF documents, and Microsoft Project files. Tools allow developers to perform OCR, work with images, create and read barcodes and perform many other document conversion and management tasks. Aspose produce components for .NET, Java and SharePoint, as well as rendering extensions for SQL Server Reporting Services and JasperReports exporters.
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