New UK Research Shows 80% Of People Avoid Paper Based Directories When Looking For Tradespeople

New independent research carried out by Local Traders in the UK has shown that more than 60% of people use online services to find tradespeople than traditional directories, and as many as 80% won't use a paper based phone directory to aide their s

New independent research carried out by Local Traders in the UK has shown that more than 60% of people use online services to find tradespeople than traditional directories, and as many as 80% won't use a paper based phone directory to aide their search.

Results from research conducted at the start of December has shown that the majority of people are turning to the internet and online services when they need to find tradespeople to carry out work on their homes.

2000 people living in the UK were surveyed in the recently conducted independent research, carried out on behalf of

Managing Director Craig Powell has commented that this supports the growing trend for people to go online when looking for services.

"This shows our industry has got a great future ahead because more and more people are turning to the Internet to find quality tradespeople and to find the solution to their problems.

"The trend for choosing online services to find tradespeople is only likely to continue as the young people who use the internet so much as a part of their daily life become first time buyers and set up their own homes.

"I was surprised at how low the figures for people finding tradespeople through friend and family recommendations were, but believe this is likely to result from the busy lifestyles many people now lead, along with the convenience that internet directories provide," he said.

Findings of the research include:

- More than twice as many people under the age of 50 use directory sites over paper based directories such as Yellow Pages when searching for a tradesperson.

- Only 20% of people surveyed use directories such as Yellow Pages.

- Only 45% of people surveyed use recommendations when looking for a tradesperson.

- Men are more likely to choose online services to locate tradespeople than women.

- The majority of 18-24 year olds will use an online service to find a tradesperson.

Managing director of New Zealand's fastest growing locally owned business directory ( ), John Campbell, says the UK based research just adds to the overwhelming evidence that companies must be listed on the Internet if they want to stay in business.

"This bodes well for our customers because it demonstrates they've made the right decision - a decision for the future.

"Remember the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again while expecting a different result. If you want 2011 to be a fantastic year, you have to take action - you have to do something.

"We understand that time demands, and not knowing where to even start, are big constraints. That's why our business model here at Gopher is designed to take away all that pain - we get you online quickly, easily and cost effectively.

"If you want more customers in 2011, Gopher is a logical place to start. It's our job to get you into greater profitability. You say 'yes', and the Gopher ( ) team will handle the rest," said John.

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Indian Orchard, MA
