New Tech Report from Five Sparrows Explains QR Code Basics

Michigan web development and marketing firm Five Sparrows, LLC today announced the availability of its new Tech Report titled "QR Codes - a Hot Trend Getting Hotter!"

Michigan web development and marketing firm Five Sparrows, LLC today announced the availability of its new Tech Report titled "QR Codes - a Hot Trend Getting Hotter!" This nine-page report covers the basics of what QR codes are and how they work, plus gives real-world examples and applications of how businesses are using them for marketing.

"Today, QR codes are on everything from brochures to bus stops," said Lauren Hobson, President of Five Sparrows. "In addition to an overview about QR codes and how they work, the new Tech Report provides lots of real-life examples that show the clever ways businesses are using these codes right now."

QR codes are simple to generate and use in marketing materials, both online and printed. In the case of QR codes on printed materials, it's a great way to connect the physical world (e.g., a tri-fold brochure or a business card) to the online world of web information, online video, social media, etc.

"Within the next year or so, experts predict that the primary way of accessing the web will be through a smart phone or other type of mobile device. This means customers and potential customers can snap QR codes wherever they go, connecting them to whatever interests them at the time it interests them. When used correctly, QR codes can be a very powerful ingredient to add to a small business marketing mix," said Hobson.

The Tech Report also includes links to free QR code readers that can be downloaded to a mobile phone or device.

The Tech Report is a free resource offered by Five Sparrows, and is available in the Resource Room at