New Sales "Viralizer" System Set To Launch

A revolutionary new social marketing system will debut this month that combines the proven business model of the fastest growing company in history with a viral referral and commission system that everyone can now join for free.

Indianapolis, IN...Market researchers signal the newest business wave, launching in Seattle this month, as a revolutionary marketing system, based on social media. Beginning the fourth week of this month, The Customer Advantage will debut in selected test markets in the metro area and will spread virally throughout the world.

The new viralizer system is a quantum-upgrade of two current successful business models, one of which is already serving the fastest growing company in history, Groupon and a similar plan via Living Social, both featuring deep-discount, coupon purchase, internet sites that serve millions of value-shoppers each month.

The Customer Advantage has triple economic benefits because customers great deals, adds new customers to businesses at a cost-per-buyer...and tracks commissions to referring members.

The new sales "viralizer" system, scheduled for introduction this month by The Customer Advantage, adds a 5% referral commission for anyone who becomes an email subscriber and subsequently buys or whose referring members purchase any of the daily deep-discount coupons for local business offers, provided they sign up (free) via an existing member's website hosted by the company, also at no charge.

Members/subscribers may choose to purchase any one of the daily deals offered by The Customer Advantage email announcements, linked to the referring member, and a percentage of that purchase is deposited into the member's account which accumulates commissions for referrals, down five levels of referral tracking.

The sales viralizer system is not network marketing because there is no charge to become a member, no products or inventory to purchase or sell, no cost for the member's website and no charge for a member's website hosting.

Anyone can become a referring member...even without a credit card...because there is no cost to join. All costs and commissions are funded by members who chose to purchase deeply-discounted, local business, product or service offers.

A participating business can limit the number of discount offers it makes available and then splits the income from the online coupon purchases with The Customer Advantage which pays member commissions and operating costs. The business gets the coupon purchases money upfront and a new customer at a set one-time, per-buyer cost, plus retaining the lifetime value of the customer's repeat business at no additional cost.

Members can sign up ahead of the launch which is scheduled later this month. Since the first of the year, the "in line" member numbers have increased more than 500%. The company is predicting 10,000,000 new members this year, partially because of the already-proven business models and more importantly, the sales viralizer system that pays members a percentage of their referrals' future coupon purchases.

If a person in New York refers a friend living in California to join and that person purchases a 50%-off participating restaurant coupon in San Francisco, the referring member in New York would get a commission on that California coupon purchase with the referral tracking system built into the system.

Although the system will launch in the United States, the process and infrastructure will eventually include coupon offers globally.

The sales viralizer is designed to leverage the power of social media and add value to the new era of commerce and business that rewards and strengthens local economies.

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