New Review Website,, Focused Solely on Church Growth

EVANSTON, Illinois, February 12, 2016 ( - Clergy in the United States looking for feedback tailored specifically to their context and tools to grow their church now have a new solution. seeks to connect people to the right church in communities nationwide. The responsive website officially launched February 6, 2016.
With church attendance in decline across the nation, relevant feedback from visitors and current parishioners is invaluable to responsive congregations. Through a five-star rating in categories specific to the church experience and online reviews, PewHub offers clergy and church administrators instant feedback and reporting to improve the quality of their worship, programming, and outreach ministries.
This is a fabulous idea! We will definitely use this with any moves we make in the future.
CJ, Laity in Chicago, Illinois
In return, church seekers now have an online resource allowing them to search by city, zip code, church name, and keywords to find churches in their community. With over 120,000 churches in PewHub’s database and more being added daily, laity have access to a wealth of vital information about churches and congregations to aid them in their search for a faith community.
“We are changing the way people find a home church and the way churches can grow,” said Rev. Dr. Virgil Woods, chief executive officer of PewHub and pastor of First African Methodist Episcopal Church in St. Gary, Indiana. “Through we are bridging the gap between those who have yet to find a church that meets their needs with those churches who are progressive enough to encourage feedback from the people they serve.”
After countless conversations with fellow clergy and parishioners, Woods recognized most churches do not have a mechanism for feedback built into their regular processes. “By empowering parishioners and visitors to share their experience online, others will learn firsthand of the amazing ministries happening in the local church,” said Woods. “It is my prayer that people will not only be inspired by these reviews but feel compelled to get involved.”
Pastors and church administrators can claim and customize their church profile on PewHub for free. A starter toolkit containing slides and bulletin inserts is also available. In addition to the analytics and engagement tools, premium members will benefit from the additional customization options, integration with Facebook, events add-on, and online giving.
PewHub Inc. (, founded in August 2015, provides church organizations the ability to receive quick and valuable feedback from visitors and members while increasing each church’s visibility in the digital world. Through reviews, category ratings, and a client feedback system, PewHub is changing the way people find churches and the way churches grow.