New Report Shows How Music Helps Hotels Increase Revenue and Improve the Guest Experience

A new report from Rightsify shows how music can help hotels increase revenue and improve the guest experience.

 Rightsify, a global music licensing and royalty collection agency based in Pasadena, California, has today published their first in a series of reports on how music is used in businesses and how it benefits different industries across the world. 

For the first edition,  'Music & Hotels: An in-depth review of the influence of atmospheric music in hotels', Rightsify dives into deep detail on how music is used at hotels and how music helps hotels increase revenue and improve the guest experience. 

For example, music affects the way guests react to everything from the check-in experience, to the pool & gym to the bar and restaurants. The types of music played make an impact both for how the guest perceives the hotel but also can lead to increased spending on drinks and at hotel retail stores. 

The report can be downloaded for free and is useful for professionals in the hospitality, retail or food and beverage industries to get a better understanding of how music benefits their business. 

For more information on the report, please contact Rightsify

Source: Rightsify