New Office and Annual Conference for Transcendance Inc Team

Transcendance Inc has opened an office in Rancho Cucamonga. The firm's Director discussed the expansion, and also announced an upcoming travel opportunity for qualifying team members.

“Our new office is finally open, and I couldn’t be more excited!” declared Tunde, Transcendance Inc’s Director of Operations. “It’s been a very busy time for us as we continued to exceed the expectations of our national service partners while also moving our headquarters. Now we’re ready to start establishing ourselves in Rancho Cucamonga. We’ve experienced success right out of the gate, and I know we’ll be able to build on that initial momentum.”

Office moves require a great deal of energy, learning, and planning, but Tunde is confident the Rancho Cucamonga relocation is a good investment. For one thing, he looks forward to finding and training team members in this new market. He appreciates the enthusiasm and fresh perspectives that novice ambassadors bring to their work, and is looking forward to their innovative ideas.

"Our new office is finally open, and I couldn't be more excited!"

Tunde, Director of Operations

“I am anticipating an increase in our consumer base as a result of our new HQ as well,” shared Tunde. “We’re only a 15-minute drive from our old location, so we will continue to consider that as part of our territory, while at the same time we can now comfortably move our one-on-one consultations further inland. One day, Transcendance Inc will outgrow California entirely.”

The Next Transcendance Inc Travel Opportunity

Throughout the year, there are frequent chances for Transcendance Inc brand experts to travel. These trips include cross-training in other markets, weekend retreats in tropical resorts, and networking events as well.

“Right on the heels of christening our new office I’ll be bringing some of the firm’s top producers with me to a leadership conference in Dallas,” Tunde explained. “It’s a chance to share best practices with some of the most successful people in our field and grow our professional networks. We make contacts from all over the world at events like this, and these connections always pay big dividends.”

What Tunde is anticipating the most is the awards ceremony, where he and the rest of the team will see people recognized for achieving milestones in their careers. This really shows how much opportunity there is in the industry, and it’s inspiring as well. “The people who walk across the stage are the same as us; they just found opportunities within any challenges they faced and showed they were determined to get the job done,” Tunde said. “That’s a powerful success lesson that I’m glad I’ll be able to share with my ambassadors through this trip.”

About Transcendance Inc: 

Transcendance Inc grows businesses using a scalable customer acquisition model. The team serves telecom companies across the country using a unique approach to outreach. Their consistent success largely results from a commitment to the firm’s core values. They are inspired to take chances and rely on hard work to get results. Their engagement quickly spreads messages about the value of the services they represent. Rising above the competition to enhance profits is their goal. That’s how Transcendance Inc takes companies to new levels every day. Learn more at

Source: Transcendance Inc