New Nonprofit to Fill a Critical Gap in Mental Health Care for Veterans

Nationwide "Give 5 Drive" to Rally Public to the Cause

Veteran Health Services, Inc. launched its nationwide “Give 5 Drive”, a social media and crowdfunding initiative that seeks to elicit donations of $5 from millions of supporters to fund the development of Veteran Health Services, Inc., a 501(c)(3) nonprofit company that will provide direct mental health care to veterans and their families. 100% of the proceeds go toward the development, launch, clinical operations, and laying the foundation for future Veteran Health Services locations.

This funding initiative will allow the organization to purchase and renovate a Class-A building to house the first of several state-of-the-art mental and behavioral health and substance abuse treatment clinics. The website goes live today, alerting the public at large to Veteran Health Services’ mission to provide uncompromised mental and behavioral health care to America’s service men and women, and their families as well.

The first clinic will be in the Baltimore/Washington D.C. corridor and donors have the opportunity to vote for the next Veteran Health Services location from a list of 5 sites that include Norfolk, VA, Charlotte, NC, San Diego, CA, Seattle, WA and Jacksonville, FL. 

The nonprofit organization anticipates opening doors for service in the first quarter of 2017.

Veteran Health Services was founded by Stephen Goldberg, MD, who serves as President and CEO. A board certified psychiatrist, business executive, and entrepreneur, Dr. Goldberg’s myriad of experiences with veteran issues – from training in veteran hospitals throughout the U.S., to more than 20 years caring for vets within the state hospital and criminal justice systems, to lessons gleaned from his veteran mentor in business – sparked in him an intrinsic desire to help a population who is both deserving of and in need of specialized services. His experiences in the public and private sectors as well as in local, state and national healthcare systems give him the experience and know how to help Veteran Health Services’ achieve its critical mission.

“Our veterans are returning home with serious mental health issues. And, despite the best efforts of dedicated agencies, people and charities across the U.S., they remain woefully underserved,” he said. “We hope to close the gap in the availability of mental health services by utilizing technology to reduce wait times, improve outcomes and provide unparalleled care from experts who are properly trained to specifically deal with both the veteran’s and their family’s needs.”

What makes Veteran Health Services different? Watch an introductory video here.

Suicide rates for veterans have climbed to record highs in recent years. More than 300,000 individuals who served in Iraq, Afghanistan, and around the world suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) or major depression and approximately 20 percent of female veterans have reported PTSD related to military sexual trauma. 

“Unfortunately, the list goes on and on,” said Dr. Goldberg.

The presiding goal of Veteran Health Services is to offer mental and behavioral health, substance abuse, and trauma-related care to veterans and their families, regardless of their level of service connection, ability to pay, or a third party’s concept of “medical necessity.” According to Dr. Goldberg, care will be provided by clinicians who have at least 80 hours of specialized training in military culture and veteran issues, in addition to their base credentials, and their services will be provided in an environment that is a source of catharsis and pride.

“It all starts with treating our veterans like heroes,” said Dr. Goldberg. “They went above and beyond the call of duty without being asked to do so, and we believe their mental and behavioral health care should do the same. Now, the American public has a very real opportunity to make a very real difference with just $5. . . I believe they will.”

For more information on Veteran Health Services, Inc. visit

Source: Veteran Health Services

About Veteran Health Services, Inc.

Veteran Health Services, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization whose sole purpose is to provide mental and behavioral health, substance abuse, and trauma-related services to America's veterans and their families.

Veteran Health Services, Inc.
12975 Highland Road , ##3
Highland, MD

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