New JSON and XML Tools With Liquid Studio Update 1

Liquid Studio 2017 - Update 1 provides new features and enhancements for JSON and XML Developers
JSON Schema Editor

Liquid Technologies Limited ( has announced the release of Liquid Studio 2017 - Update 1, containing new features, enhancements and fixes for increasing productivity of JSON and XML developers. Update 1 release includes Liquid XML Data Binder support for Visual Studio 2017 projects, graphical JSON Schema Editor Extension for Visual Studio, JSON Schema and XML Schema conversion tools, along with new Data Mapper components.

"We aim to provide consistent product improvements for our users with new and enhanced features in order to continue to offer the best value XML, JSON and Web Services toolkit available." said Simon Sprott, CTO, "The improvements in Update 1 will further add to the enjoyment of using our tools, increasing productivity and saving developers many hours of time and effort."

New feature highlights include:

For more information about all our products and features, including a free trial download, please see our website:

Liquid Studio 2017 - Update 1 is a free update for all users who purchased Liquid Studio 2017 and all users who have a current support plan.

Source: Liquid Technologies Limited

About Liquid Technologies Limited

Liquid Technologies Ltd is a privately owned software house based near Leeds, West Yorkshire, U.K. which provides leading edge productivity tools for XML software developers conforming to the W3C standards.

Liquid Technologies Limited
Belmont Business Centre, 7 Burnett Street
Bradford, West Yorkshire


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