New iPhone Application Provides Critical Information on the Food We Eat

'Don't Eat That' details 1500+ potentially dangerous common foods and additives

San Francisco, CA, February 3, 2010 - Most consumers are not able to understand, let alone pronounce, many of the ingredients listed on food labels. Their food decisions are frequently based on convenience and taste, with few knowing the impact of what they are actually eating.
Officially launching today in the iPhone App Store, Don't Eat That was designed to enhance food safety with the touch of a finger.

Increased knowledge of food ingredients and additives gives people the capability to make informed and healthier choices, particularly in this time when personal health in the US is coming under increased scrutiny. Don't Eat That provides useful information on over 1500 food additives and ingredients including those that are carcinogenic, unhealthy for children, or known allergens.

'Don't Eat That' key features include:

• Self-contained database- no Wi-Fi or internet access necessary to operate
• Detailed information on food additives and ingredients
• Detailed information on E numbers (food additives names in the E.U.)
• Ingredients can be searched within the following categories:
o Problem Ingredients
o Harmful To Kids
o Banned Ingredients:
o Carcinogens
o Genetically Modified
o Allergies
o Asthma

A demonstration video can be seen here:

In a world that is increasingly connected, information on food is still fragmented and isolated with different locales and health organizations focusing their attention on differing ingredients. Health-conscious consumers need access to this information to make informed decisions when choosing what to eat. Don't Eat That is also helpful for travelers to the U.S., as it details foods and ingredients that contain Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) which are not listed on U.S food labels. Information on ingredients or additives banned in any country is included as well.

The Don't Eat That app. can be purchased for $1.99 at the iPhone App Store within the Healthcare and Fitness section. For more information on the application, please visit

Contact information
Jennifer Kutz
Vantage Communications
415-984-1970 x112

About Vantage Communications

Vantage Communications
235 montgomery street suite 425
San Francisco, CA
