New Horizon Promotions Embraces Company Trips

Team members at New Horizon Promotions are regularly offered beneficial travel opportunities. The firm's director of operations explained how company trips positively impact the associates and the business.

“At New Horizon Promotions, we’re always coming and going,” said Kerlande, the company’s director of operations. “It’s quite exciting. For instance, we recently attended a leisure trip to the Bahamas. Needless to say, that was amazing! Throughout the year, we also took several small road trips and attended training seminars to find out what others in our industry are doing in different regions.” 

In addition to networking and development opportunities, travel is a means of recognizing New Horizon Promotions’ top achievers. “Our people work hard, and it’s important that they know how much they are appreciated,” said Kerlande. “Enabling them to embark on various journeys is a great way to thank them.”

"Our people work hard, and it's important that they know how much they are appreciated,"

Kerlande, Director of Operations

Kerlande also noted that company travel gives team members time to bond away from daily office distractions. When they are better able to focus on one another’s unique attributes, such as likes and dislikes, they become closer. They’re also better positioned to leverage each other’s strengths back at work. Further, the shared memories from traveling reinforce the feelings of camaraderie far into the future. People are more creative, energetic, and engaged as a result.

Director of New Horizon Promotions Elaborates on the Positive Outcomes of Team Travel

“Business leaders often discount the value of company travel,” Kerlande continued. “They think it is a waste of resources, and that associates don’t learn any meaningful skills from it. I beg to differ! Travel is actually a great way to grow both personally and professionally.”

According to Kerlande, being on the road reinforces time management skills. She indicated that time management isn’t so much about getting a set amount of work done in a given period of time as it is about prioritizing, setting goals, and working strategically. When traveling, it’s crucial to identify the most important activities while considering logistics like road patterns and flight times.

“Travel sharpens communication and social skills, too,” Kerlande concluded. “You encounter people from a variety of backgrounds, and you must figure out how to relate to them. For such interactions to run smoothly, you must practice compassion and empathy. At the same time, you must be considerate of cultural norms that may be different from your own. This is possibly the most enriching part of travel, and my colleagues at New Horizon Promotions thrive from these experiences.”

About New Horizon Promotions

New Horizon Promotions is a leading consumer acquisition firm that is committed to effective lead generation. By utilizing unique marketing channels and applying cutting-edge demographic research, they are able to deliver consistent results for a diverse portfolio of clients. Their team of campaign experts combines precise, strategic planning with flawless execution to reach customers quickly and to spur rapid growth for the companies they represent. New Horizon Promotions has built a reputation as an industry powerhouse as the firm continues to serve its clients with integrity and innovation.