New Farm to Kitchen Distributor, Harvest Drop, Keeps It Local and Fresh in NJ

A Morristown, NJ-based company has started working with 60 different New Jersey farms to distribute their produce to restaurants and small grocers. Harvest Drop works with small to medium sized farms, which do not have the resources to market and distribute their produce to local businesses. Consumer trends show that people continue to question where their food comes from, and businesses seek to fill this demand by buying fresh produce from local farms.

Harvest Drop works with a variety of farms in New Jersey to aggregate their produce once a week, and deliver it to restaurants within 24 hours of being picked.  They currently work with approximately 20 restaurants in Northern New Jersey.

"There are so many amazing restaurants in New Jersey, and don't forget, we are the Garden State. This is a great opportunity to connect farms with consumers."

Oliver Gubenko, Harvest Drop founder

David Viana, Executive Chef of The Kitchen in Jersey City says, “Not only do we get fresh ingredients from Harvest Drop, but we are fulfilling our obligation to support local agriculture.”

Harvest Drop’s mission is to support New Jersey’s local agricultural economy by giving businesses easy access to local food by offering free delivery and complete transparency from where their produce was sourced.  

Oliver Gubenko, Harvest Drop’s founder says, “There are so many amazing restaurants in New Jersey, and don’t forget, we are the Garden State. This is a great opportunity to connect farms with consumers.”

According to the USDA, produce travels on average of 1500 miles before it is consumed. The long distances put a strain on produce and require distributors to use various preservation methods – which is detrimental to taste and quality. By delivering only local produce, Harvest Drop delivers high quality ingredients with a significantly smaller carbon footprint.

Harvest Drop proudly supports local business and the state of New Jersey. Through their efforts they hope to support local agriculture and provide the freshest ingredients to restaurants state-wide.

You can learn more about Harvest Drop’s mission at or contact for interviews and media inquires.