New Comedy Web Series "Southern Dish" Ignites

Web Show features a Country Girl From the Deep South Who Gets Dropped Into the Core of the Big Apple

The hilarious new web Series Southern Dish premieres a new episode today. Check out the Southern Dish web series from Meredith Riley Stewart now live on YouTube and & subscribe.

Southern Dish serves up a rye perspective on the gritty city. Take a syrupy sweet Southern belle who is now wide-eyed in The City That Never Sleeps. Then...Hey, scratch that, let’s drop any notion of a fairy tale here. This country girl from the Deep South gets dropped into the core of the Big Apple. Instead of being swallowed up by this culture clash, she embraces it, opening a bar and inviting all her new neighbors over to cuss and discuss life. They’re serving up a “rye” perspective on the gritty city.

The series offers up even more content than scripted episodes. Our main character "Krystal" (Meredith Riley Stewart) has her own craft beer review series, which includes celebrity guests like Leslie Jordan  (American Horror Story, Will & Grace). New reviews are posted every Tuesday.  Meredith Riley Stewart, who born and raised in Alabama, has assembled a talented cast and crew to give life to her more-real-than-you-might-think imagination. Meredith made the leap from the Deep South to the Northeast, and Southern Dish is an interpretation of that experience. Other members of the cast and crew include Ogy Durham (Easy to Assemble), Ben Whitehair (CSI Miami), Hayes Mercure (The Red Road), comedienne Courtney Black and  Director & DP BT Jackson (Dancing With the Stars).

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