New Book Shows Catholic Men How To Completely Recover From Pornography Addiction
Online, December 12, 2011 ( - A long-time Catholic author, Dreck Masters, has just recently published a book directed at Catholic men who want help breaking free from pornography addiction-an epidemic in many Christian circles. Masters claims his book will give more assistance than any other source in print today.
"I've read surveys from Catholic priests who say that almost 30% of their confessions are from men who are struggling with pornography problems," says Masters. "Most people would find this shocking. But I've been struggling with the problem myself since I was very young, and I know exactly what these men are dealing with. After being in solid recovery for almost a year, I realized I needed to join in the battle against this moral disease and help other men find the light."
Dreck Masters claims his book, Out Of The Darkness - A Catholic Man's Guide To Breaking Pornography Addiction, is more than the average self-help book. "I've read quite a few books on the subject. While much of it was useful, I never found a practical guide to getting beyond pornography addiction and resuming a normal life. No one has actually spelled out the steps in any sort of easy-to-follow format. Men do well with structured plans and that's what I wanted to give them."
In researching the subject, Masters says that he found books and websites pointing out the problem and urging men to join 12-step recovery groups. "But a 12-step plan falls short of an actual process," he says. "12-step programs are for support, and men need something more than support to break free from pornography addiction. That's what I provide in my book. Actionable things men can do to eliminate or deal with temptations. Small steps with tremendous results. I don't want to show men they are sinning... I want to help them stop. That's really the only purpose of this book."
Dreck has been writing for The Catholic Letter, a website explaining Catholic theology, for years. His book is now available on the website, along with a special 'incognito' version of the book, which looks like a common sci-fi book on the cover, but is really a pornography addiction self-help book on the inside. Both are available at .