New Book Launched "The Biggest Secret of Our Universe: Grand Unified Theory Discovered and Why Einstein Got It Wrong"

Author R. Krishna Describes Flaws and Failures of Existing Theories and Presents a New and Consistent Theory of the Origin and Evolution of Our Universe

Author R. Krishna has published "The Biggest Secret of Our Universe: Grand Unified Theory Discovered and Why Einstein Got It Wrong" a bold new book that describes the failures and contradictions of some of the existing theories of the origin and evolution of our universe. The book further describes a new and consistent theory that better explains our universe and observed natural phenomena. The book also offers a sneak peek into the mind of Einstein.

For a limited time (Monday, January 3 through Sunday, January 9), an e-book version of "The Biggest Secret of Our Universe: Grand Unified Theory Discovered and Why Einstein Got It Wrong," normally priced at $9.99, will be available to the public at a discount of 30% for purchases from Smashwords at The coupon code for this promotional offer is QN59P (not case sensitive).

The last 20-30 years have seen physics stagnate. More and more failures of existing theories have come to light but no new idea has emerged that can give better explanations for observations about our universe. Consequently, physics today hides behind concepts of dark matter and dark energy which are, by their very definition, arbitrary and unverifiable elements. In this new book, the author presents a coherent and consistent theory that successfully explains observations about our universe without taking recourse to any arbitrary and unverifiable elements. This theory clearly shows that gravity acts just like the other three forces of nature. The search for the Grand Unified Theory has been the holy grail of physics for a long time and the book "The Biggest Secret of Our Universe" completes this quest. The author also analyzes why Einstein, whose seminal work is the foundation of large scale physics today, failed to decode the Grand Unified Theory and gives us an interesting insight into that great mind. The book has been written in a simple, precise and lucid style that will appeal to regular readers as well as to scholars.

Smashwords is a highly respected ebook publishing and distribution platform serving authors, publishers, readers and retailers with a record of over 25,000 books launched. Smashwords has distribution relationships with all leading online retailers such as Amazon, Barnes & Noble and Sony, and leading mobile e-reading apps such as Stanza, Kobo, Aldiko, FBReader and Word-Player, spanning all major mobile platforms including Android and iPhone. Smashwords is based in Los Gatos, California, and can be reached on the web at Visit the official Smashwords blog at

The author, R. Krishna, has worked for over a decade analyzing and testing contemporary theories of cosmic physics. His work offers startling insights to the implications and failures of existing theories. The new theory he has presented successfully explains the origin and evolution of our universe and also reveals that the action of gravity is similar to that of the other three forces that occur in nature.

R. Krishna
Kimberley Evans


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