New Book Explores Travel in the Real World

New release from EarthPhotos Books, Common Sense and Whiskey, is a compelling survey of what it's like in the real world. Fifteen perceptive travel tales from out-of-the-way international destinations, masterfully told.

YOUNG HARRIS, Georgia - It's a big world out there. Go see it! It's tremendously empowering, and it will make you a better person.

Americans love to visit London and Paris and Tuscany, but there are hundreds of travel destinations just as worthy - Some 195 countries and dozens more territories. The new book Common Sense and Whiskey explores travel in the developing world, visiting off-the-circuit destinations, from Tbilisi to Tibet to the Trans-Siberian railroad.

Common Sense and Whiskey recounts fifteen adventures, in the process introducing a unique cast of characters, describing one-of-a-kind situations and helping the reader discover what it's like in the real world.

You may be thinking, "But what do I do when I get to, say, Albania? I don't know anybody there and I don't know a word of the language." Common Sense and Whiskey shows how it's done.

In interviews, author Bill Murray urges Americans to make their own travel decisions. He cautions, for example, against being overly dependent on guidebooks.

"It's no surprise to discover there are pickpockets in poor African countries. The answer: Don't carry valuables in your pockets," he says.

"As a rule of thumb you can discount anything in glossy travel magazines that's bracketed by ads for Tag Hauer watches and Louis Vuitton luggage. Whatever it is, it's just marketing words. It's not the real world."

Common Sense and Whiskey compares cultures across the planet. The differences are obvious enough: Evinrude outboard motors are more a measure of wealth than paper money on Papua New Guinea's Sepik River. They eat worms in Burma! But we learn about similarities, too: An intimidating ceremony in a Bhutanese monastery turns out to be an attempt to see how a schoolgirl will do on her exams. A young husband in Sri Lanka beams with pride as he shows off the thatched palm house he built for his family.

Common Sense and Whiskey is a book of high adventure, and a compelling examination of the real world, the way it is today. Available on

Adventure traveler and author Bill Murray has visited 105 countries and territories in 25 years of off-the-beaten-track travel. He maintains the web site, with over 15,000 photos from around the world, and lives in Young Harris, Georgia.

- Rich and inspiring. Filled with surprises and great adventures
George Brown, President, Friendship Force International

- Brings home the exoticism of foreign travel. A fantastic collection.
Laurence Mitchell, author, the Bradt Guides to Serbia and Kyrgyzstan

The author is available for broadcast quality interviews via ISDN. Sample questions available.


Bill Murray


Common Sense and Whiskey
By Bill Murray
Trim Size: 5.5 x 8.5, paperback
ISBN: 978-0615467313
Suggested Retail Price: $14.99
Genre: Travel
Publisher: EarthPhotos Books
Publication Date: April 2011
Available at:

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4625 Murray Lane
Young Harris, GA
