New Affordable Government Directed APP For Personal Safety

The WEBB: Silent Guardian is a new cutting edge personal safety APP designed for use in all Android O/S smart phones. During the design and programming of this product the U.S. Dept. of Homeland Security was consulted for technical support.

The question someone never wants to have to ask themselves is "Who is going to help me right now?"

In hindsight, just about 99 percent of the time, the cold hard facts of the matter are "NO ONE". The reason is not that people can't or even won't help, the reason is that most of time the proper notices are not "EVER" even transmitted or heard. Because the in most cases perpetrators as well as emergency medical conditions like heart attacks or stokes don't work on anyone else's time schedule. The truly sad part is most people believe that it only ever happens to the other guy and could not ever happen to either themselves or a close family member or child.

The plain truth is they are totally misinformed, misdirected and, for the most part, are in the dark about reality when it comes to this type of subject. The fact is that 42 percent of all violent crimes happen in the big cities, so where would you think the other 58 percent happen? The suburbs.

So then, we have learned that suburban families are not exempt, the statistics prove that. The country is not the answer either. The truth, as hard as it may be to comprehend, is that no one, no where, no matter who they are, can get out of the way of a tragedy. It will hit when and whoever it wants without warning.

With one touch covertly this APP will notify and establish a connection with emergency services give a GPS location including altitude for tall buildings, it will mute the speaker, increase microphone sensitivity, and blacken the cell screen to mimic a shut.

All in less than a second and can be done while in a pocket or purse.

Wouldn't it be great to have a tool to at least give a victim in a life or death circumstance a chance.


Buy it here:

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