New 3X4 Genetics Report Highlights the State of Consumer Genetic Testing in the US

3X4 Genetics has released the findings from their State of Consumer Genetic Testing Report.

The objective of the report was to understand the state of consumer genetic testing in the US and to gain more insights into why people take genetic tests, what they hope to get out of them, and if they thought their results were useful and actionable. On October 12, 2020, 600 US consumers who had previously taken a genetic test were surveyed online. 

Commenting on the findings, Dr. Yael Joffe, 3X4 co-founder, and Chief Scientific Officer said: "Overall, the survey showed us that while some people are finding useful insights from their test and taking action to improve their health and lifestyle choices, many are just finding it data for data's sake — and the majority of people taking genetic tests are taking them for curiosity, and missing the opportunity to use it as a means towards making major life changes."

Key Findings: 

  • Respondents were split down the middle on their intentions for the test: Finding out more about their ancestry or discovering something about their personal health.
  • 43% took the test out of curiosity.
  • A majority of respondents felt the test helped them achieve their goal, the results were easy to understand, and the results were useful.
  • The majority of respondents (58%) didn't make any day-to-day changes based on their results.
  • Respondents wanted to see more actionable insights, more education, and more personalized recommendations to give them guidance on what to do with the results.
  • Some called the test's accuracy into question.

To access a full copy of the report, click here.

About 3X4 Genetics:

3X4 Genetics is a venture-backed genetics-based health network that combines: advanced genetics testing, nutritional genomics education, and a global network of accredited practitioners.

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Source: 3X4 Genetics