Nestle's WebTV awarded as one of the best websites

World's leading food company envisioned an interactive WebTV and together with Flumotion, OgilvyOne and Telefónica created Nestle TV.

30 November 2009 - Barcelona - Flumotion, Telefónica and OgilvyOne were chosen to develop a WebTV that allows Nestle consumers to connect with the brand through an online video platform, Nestle TV. The State Secretary of Telecommunications and Information Society has awarded Nestle TV the title of "Best 20 websites in the history of the .es domain", commemorating its 20th anniversary. The jury based its decision on accessibility, innovation, number of visits, creativity or contribution to the future of the Internet to select the best 20 among 1.1 million .es websites.

Nestle has always considered the Internet to be an important medium to communicate directly with their consumers. They realised that it is necessary to adapt to a constantly evolving consumer, which was the leading motivation to embark on this pioneering project; offering help and services through audiovisual content within an interactive multimedia environment.

In order to make this project a reality, Nestle asked Telefónica to provide a WebTV solution, which allows the front end to be designed by their agency OgilvyOne. Telefónica suggested the WebTV solution of streaming technology partner Flumotion due to its powerful WebTV media back office as well as Streaming Platform, which ensures optimal delivery to every user.

Online video presents a unique opportunity for global consumer brands to reinforce their branding strategy on the Internet. Apart from the millions invested in traditional advertising channels, multimedia content can now be used to communicate and interact directly with consumers, at the fraction of the cost.

"A lot of big brands still have to leverage the branding potential of online video that is why many are considering allocating budget for WebTV. As consumers dedicate more time online and overall budgets continue to be reduced, online video is being recognised as a powerful and cost effective branding medium", explains Flumotion CEO Jean Noel Saunier.

Nestle TV aims to create an emotional relationship with consumers and build an enthusiastic user base around their brands. Nestle TV offers a range of channels that touch on personal and domestic issues such as baby care and cookery classes, while throughout relating these issues to Nestle products. This not only provides entertaining content, but also enables Nestle to precisely measure the popularity of content and brands among their online viewers.

Successful brand communication involves all target audiences, all media channels and all environments. According to Intent Index 72% of people go online just to become part of a community. This reinforces the rewarding opportunity of building social communities around brands and establishing a long lasting relationship with the final consumer without the need for intermediaries.

About Flumotion
Flumotion is an award winning streaming software company that was founded in 2006 by a group of open source developers and multimedia experts. They developed their own open source multi-format video streaming software, closing the gap of competing industry standards and making streaming more accessible. Flumotion Streaming Software allows broadcasters and companies to stream content live and on demand in all the leading formats from a single server.

Flumotion also offer a Streaming Platform and WebTV which reduce workflow and costs by covering the entire streaming value chain. This end-to-end yet modular solution includes signal acquisition, encoding, multi-format transcoding, streaming of contents and state-of-the art interface design. The advanced media back office allows for content management and optimal monetisation through rich media advertising.

Leading companies such as Cuatro, Antena 3, Nestle and Real Madrid trust Flumotion with the delivery of their high value content. Flumotion's scalable and cost effective technology enables telcos and hosting companies worldwide to create their own end-to-end video and audio streaming platforms. Partners include NTT Europe Online, Telefónica and British Telecom. More info at