National Membership-Based RISE Directory Bridges Gap Between Mental Health Industry by Connecting Unlicensed Social Workers With Clinical Supervisors

Social workers looking to provide therapy or advance their careers are required to complete up to 4,000 hours of supervised work experience before becoming a licensed professional. With no shortage of the need for more supervisees, employment of social workers is expected to grow 12% through 2030, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. The problem is that clinical supervisors lack the capacity to market themselves. The RISE Directory provides a simple solution to the national issue by providing an online membership-based platform to connect with the next generation of social workers and other mental health professionals.

"When we asked what our clinical supervisors needed, their top response was resources and peer support," said RISE Directory Founder Catherine Moore. "This comprehensive directory gives them an opportunity to see if a potential match is the right fit while helping them gain exposure within the industry."

The platform represents the go-to resource to replace an inefficient system that previously forced supervisees to rely on limited personal networks or an archaic Internet search. This option is no longer suitable for an industry where roughly 80% of all new graduates with a master's in social work pursue clinical licensure.

"Relationships are at the core of any clinical supervision and the foundation of effective and ethical mental health services in the U.S.," Moore said. "This validates the need for the connection of qualified clinical supervisors with the next generation of clinical social workers who need supervised hours."

Joining the RISE Directory is a great way for clinical supervisors to increase income and gain access to workshops and tools that enhance clinical skill sets. It doesn't require social workers to pay for referrals, but instead allows each person to set their own fee. Supervisors determine how new supervisees contact them and how rapport is built ahead of a connection.

"We're building out a library for our members, which will include access to contracts, templates necessary to get their business started as well as help them grow and sustain a professional relationship with their supervisees," Moore said.

The RISE Directory offers the highest quality of supervision to mental health professionals, including mentorship that empowers their clients to achieve success in their own personal and professional lives. 

Other benefits to joining the directory include support via monthly clinical groups, access to exclusive training and workshops that give clinical supervisors the tools they need for peer consultation and the ability to nurture the next generation of social workers.

"We found the main reason people go through the extra education and training to become a clinical supervisor is because they have a passion for helping the next generation grow and we want to empower them to continue this work," Moore said. 

For more information on how to become a member, email or visit:

Source: RISE Directory