Crystal Creek Logistics Goes Green

Crystal Creek Logistics, a Ferndale Washington based Fulfillment company, has recently implemented a number of green initiatives and attained their B Corp status.

​​​​​America’s number one frozen fulfillment company goes green.

Crystal Creek Logistics is the premier shipper of fresh and frozen food products (among many other goods), for folks involved in selling their products in the e commerce world of Internet sales.  Their service is often referred to as 'Fulfillment' and they pride themselves as being the best at shipping both refrigerated and frozen foods.  Crystal Creek will inventory goods and provide the pick and pack duties and then ship to the customer's doorstep.  They have 3 facilities spanning from Ferndale Washington on the west coast to Hastings Nebraska to Richmond Virginia on the east coast.  Crystal Creek is perhaps the only fulfillment business to offer a fully biodegradable alternative to Styrofoam packaging.

Spurred on by the suggestion of one of their top Marketing Managers, the company chose to jump in hook line and sinker and do all they could do to maximize their efforts to be mindful of the footprint they leave.

Among the projects implemented recently, Crystal Creek has gone solar with the placement of a solar array on the roof of their 43,000 square foot west coast facility. As an EPA Green Power Partner, their remaining power needs come from the purchase of 100% clean wind energy.

The emissions from every package Crystal Creek ships using their carrier accounts is offset by the purchase of carbon credits and tree planting. They have partnered with NSEA, a Whatcom County salmon enhancement organization, to plant thousands of trees along local streams and creeks. The trees pull carbon dioxide, a known greenhouse gas, out of the atmosphere and provide critical shade to keep the water cool for salmon.

Crystal Creek has implemented a commitment toward zero waste in all three facilities. Increased recycling rates has reduced Crystal Creek’s landfill waste by over 50% per year. This translates to 20 standard dump truck loads diverted from the landfill per year!  

The company has also recently been issued their B Corp Certification – a certification that to date, only around 1,400 companies worldwide have been able to attain. As a young, growing company, Crystal Creek wanted an unshakable foundation to guide their growth and protect their values. This foundation encourages activism in the community, prioritize of their employees, and protection of the environment. They believe that business is about so much more than profit, it's about making a difference in the world.

Certified B Corporations meet higher standards of social and environmental performance, transparency, and accountability. There are over 1,400 Certified B Corporations from more than 130 industries in nearly 40 countries with 1 unifying goal - to redefine success in business. B Corps are important because they inspire all businesses to compete not only to be the best in the world, but to be the best for the world.

The Crystal Creek team has years of fulfillment experience under their belts - they walk the walk and talk the talk.  More than one of the members of the Crystal Creek team have been in the food business going all the way back to 1984 so there is a great deal of background and experience behind the ownership of this company. 

For more information, please contact; Michael Bradburn;  360.325.8123

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About Crystal Creek Logistics

Crystal Creek Logistics is a direct to consumer/ fulfillment business shipping nationwide for customers who sell via the internet

Crystal Creek Logistics
2460 Salashan Loop
Ferndale, WA