National Child Nutrition Foundation to Award $20,000 in Scholarships for Professional Development

Austin, TX, January 10, 2017 ( - For 31 years the National CACFP Conference has offered unparalleled training, education, and networking opportunities to the child nutrition community. This year the annual conference will be held in San Diego, CA, April 18-20, 2017.
Through the National Child Nutrition Foundation, there are a number of scholarship opportunities available that make attendance possible. Each scholarship will include conference registration, four (4) nights lodging at the conference hotel, and up to $300.00 toward transportation costs.
If you work for any of the following organizations operating the CACFP you are eligible to apply for scholarships for each program: CACFP Sponsor, Tribal Nations, Head Start, Food Banks, At-Risk/Afterschool, Summer Food Program, Child Care Centers and Home Providers, and School Districts. The deadline to apply is February 1, 2017. Apply Now!
Since 1986 the National CACFP Sponsors Association (NCA) is the leading national organization for sponsors who administer the USDA Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP). We provide education and support to thousands of members in the CACFP community and in particular to sponsors of all sizes from across the country. We strive to improve communication between families, care givers, sponsors, and their supervising government agencies.
Source: National CACFP Sponsors Associations