National Centre for Diversity Announce a Workplace Conflict Conference With a Difference!

The National Centre for Diversity is hosting a one-day workplace conflict conference with workshops on the 15th June 2016 at the Camden Centre, London.

The conference is specifically aimed at HR Directors; Senior HR Managers; Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Managers and practitioners.

Solat Chaudhry, Chief Executive at the National Centre for Diversity, said “Workplace conflict can drain energy and reduce productivity, but it can also lead to innovation. With this event we will enhance existing knowledge, improve practical skills and help leaders and senior staff members, to change the lens through which they view workplace conflict.”

The event will cover topics which allow attendees to explore workplace conflict, its root causes, effects and its manifestations. Speakers and workshop leaders will include Solat Chaudhry, Chief Executive at the National Centre for Diversity and Luke Green, Partner in the Employment team, Hill Dickinson. The conference is being chaired by Caroline Wells, Head of Outreach at the Financial Ombudsman Service.

A UK survey conducted in 2010 by People Resolutions, in conjunction with Human Potential Accounting, found that workplace conflict costs UK businesses £24 billion every year.

Caroline Wells comments “We spend a significant amount of our lives at work, and workplace conflict can have a real impact on our wellbeing. I’m very pleased NCFD are discussing this at their event in June – and proud to be chairing an event that’s so focused on making a positive difference to our everyday lives.”

Those interested in attending the event can find out more by visiting the National Centre for Diversity website. 

About National Centre for Diversity

The National Centre for Diversity aims to advance fairness for all in the workplace by helping organisations to embed best Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) practices.

National Centre for Diversity
National Centre for Diversity, SHINE, Harehills Road
