Nassau County Personal Injury Lawyer Writes Article for the Journal of the Nassau County Bar Association

Nassau County Personal Injury Lawyer Tom Foley recently wrote an article for The Journal of the Nassau County Bar Association. The article examines the admissibility of social media evidence.

Nassau County Personal Injury Lawyer Tom Foley recently wrote an article for The Journal of the Nassau County Bar Association. The article examines the admissibility of social media evidence.

The article focuses on specific case examples which required decisions to be made over the admission of social media evidence. Tom goes on to explain the reasons why certain procedures are in place for social media discovery. He also points out some difficulties personal injury lawyers face with their clients.

The Nassau County Bar Association was founded in 1899 as a not-for-profit membership association for attorneys. It is the leading source for legal information and services for the legal profession and the local community in Nassau County, Long Island, New York. NCBA enjoys a membership of nearly 6,000 private and public sector attorneys, judges, legal educators and law students, making it the largest suburban bar association in the country.

About Tom Foley: Attorney, Thomas J. Foley concentrates his practice of law in the areas of personal injury and wrongful death. As the firm’s principal civil trial attorney, Tom is most often on trial or preparing the firm’s next case for trial. Tom’s in-court trial experience has proved invaluable for Foley Griffin clients.