NASGA Announces Appointment of Illinois Legislative Liaison

NASGA is pleased to announce the appointment of Janet Bedin to the position of Illinois Legislative Liaison.

Ms. Bedin is a resident of Rockford and a family member of a potential victim. In her case, Northwestern Memorial Hospital threatened to have her terminally ill mother guardianized if Ms. Bedin did not comply with their demands to remove her mother from their hospital. The guardianship was averted, but the experience and the near miss so appalled Ms. Bedin that she has taken up this important cause with determination and resolve to ensure that other innocent families are not likewise threatened unlawfully.

In her capacity, Ms. Bedin will represent NASGA's legislative interests and ultimate goal of returning guardianship to its intended purpose: GUARD alleged incompetent persons and wards to keep them from harming themselves or anyone else; CONSERVE their assets through prudent investment; and PROTECT the taxpayers against guardianship wards becoming a public charge.

NASGA is a civil and human rights organization formed by victims of unlawful and abusive guardianships and conservatorships.

Our purpose is to protect Wards and their families - both physically and financially - through education, outreach, and advocacy. Our goal is to assure that the law is not being misused to advantage special interests.
