MyVideoTalk Introduces Retail Package Options

With the new release of MyVideoTalk's retail package options, you now have the choice of the business opportunity or products only.

Business Opportunity or Retail Products. The Choice is Now Yours!

MyVideoTalk Products Information

MyVideoTalk offers an amazing business opportunity with a unique dual core double binary compensation plan. All you need is one on the left and one on the right to be eligible for the numerous revenue streams with NO flushing of volume - EVER!
The products from MyVideoTalk are powerful online HD video tools and are all included with the purchase of the Business Builder package.

The MyVideoTalk Business Builder Studio is a complete package which gives you access to ALL the tools available in the powerful MyVideoTalk Studio suite of products; including MyVideoBroadcaster - the most powerful LIVE video broadcasting product in the industry.

You Get all this for only $399.90 and $49/month

Rep or Customer?

MyVideoTalk just released their retail packages. To see the available options, go to: Choose the plan that fits YOUR needs!

What is MyVideoTalk?

MyVideoTalk is a powerful opportunity to start your own global internet business right from the comfort of your home or office, marketing the latest internet communication technologies. Their compensation plan is designed so that you can earn career level income, the products are state-of-the-art - first to market with the technology everybody needs. That translates to huge opportunity! The right place at the right time with the right company.

How Can You Make Money with MyVideoTalk?

MVT's Global Rewards Commission Plan is a unique hybrid plan that combines the best aspects of traditional direct sales with the best of internet marketing. That means you can receive generous financial rewards in the form of commissions and bonuses affiliated with helping to expand the MyVideoTalk customer base! You'll earn immediate and on-going commissions simply for referring new business. We have the systems in place already, your own turn-key business where you can begin earning immediately.

MyVideoTalk's Global Rewards Commission Plan

MyVideoTalk is the first company to offer the Dual Core Double Binary Comp Plan - this is a revolutionary "representative-friendly" comp plan designed to earn you immediate income while you build a long-term residual or royalty income.

Here is what MVT says:

"MyVideoTalk examined and left behind the standard network marketing industry practices. These structures were simply inadequate, handicapping not only the company, but also YOU in terms of long term potential. In their place, MyVideoTalk thought up and developed an entirely NEW compensation plan that was as unique and revolutionary as its business model. And with The World's First Dual Core Double Binary compensation plan%u2026you can start EARNING in a matter of minutes too! We offer more payout than any other company you've ever seen! With WEEKLY pay and NO flushing of volume! What you'll like about MyVideoTalk is it rewards team efforts. It truly is where YOUR success is MY success. "

Who Cares About Video Anyway?

Anyone who has anything to promote!

We all know the internet is changing how we live, and even how we earn income. MyVideoTalk offers everyone the opportunity to stay on top of the trends by utilizing video as part of their communications and messaging channels.

What Kinds of Things can I do with MyVideoTalk's Products?

You can do a whole lot of neat things with MyVideoTalk's powerful suite of state-of-the-art high definition video technology. These marketing tools are totally customizable for your brand making it easy for you to promote your brand consistently which is a very important aspect of branding.

The best thing about the amazing functionality of the MVT product suite is that they are so easy to use - you don't have to be a programmer of an HTML expert - anyone can use them.

MyVideoDesigner Revolutionizes Video Email!

How many emails do we all get daily? TONS!!! How powerful would it be for YOUR email to stand out amongst the masses in someone's inbox? Isn't that the goal behind all marketing efforts? How to differentiate your brand from your competitors. The old adage, "A picture speaks a thousand words" describes the value of MyVideoTalk's video emails. You will be able to create and customize your email with your brand colors, your brand logo, your brand banners and images resulting in a compelling message your email recipients will want to open.

The best part about MVT's video emails is that you don't have to be a programmer or an HTML expert to create them. They are highly intuitive and easy-to-use - anyone can do it. Plus, there are video tutorials that clearly and easily outline step-by-step how to use MyVideoTalk's products.


MyVideoChannel is fully customizable for your brand. It is your own private video channel that you can brand with your own colors, headers, etc. You can make it look just like your website so that visitors won't even know they are on a different site or you can use it as your website. It's simple, it's easy, and it's fun.

In a 2008 Interactive Marketing study, Forrester Research predicted a compound annual growth rate of 72% of the use of online video through the year 2012 - the most robust of all interactive investments. Online video is expected to grow significantly more than search engine marketing, display ads, and email marketing.

A recent study by eMarketer indicated that 152 million people are watching online video in 2008. By 2012 that number, per the study, is expected to soar to 190 million.

"Video is becoming omnipresent on the Internet and mobile phones, but very few companies know how to use it effectively to market their products," said Michael Stroud, CEO of conference producer iHollywood Forum.


The most powerful LIVE web broadcast product ever released!
MyVideoTalk's live broadcaster is easy-to-use and more powerful with its HD quality and less expensive than the competition. And as with all the MyVideoTalk's products, it is highly intuitive, easy-to-use, and fully-customizable.


How would you like to be on TV?

How would you like to own your own HD video channel - 24/7 - 7 days per week? Well guess what? Now you can with MyVideoWebShow! It is just like having your own TV channel but at a mere fraction of the cost ($49/month INCLUDING all the other MyVideoTalk products) that you can fully customize while maintaining full-control. With the user-friendly MyVideoWebShow, another product from the amazing MyVideoTalk suite of online video technologies, you can have your own private video channel on the web. Own your own personal, customized web channel to showcase your business, your family, your hobbies - anything you want to share with anyone anywhere!

You can have live shows or pre-recorded ones or both. Not only is MyVideoWebShow fully and easily customizable, it's all in high definition. How powerful would it be for a company to be able to advertise their brand to a HUGE audience of potential customers/clients? The cost of regular television advertising comes with an enormous price attached. Proof of this fact is how many HUGE brands opted not to advertise during the last super bowl turning instead to a social media platform.

Everyone agrees that video is the way of the future - MyVideoTalk offers an easy-to-use way to integrate all of your marketing efforts into a branded marketing approach. You can use your video emails to announce upcoming sales, promotions, live broadcasts on your web channel, online training - anything you want to promote.
You might have the best-designed, most intuitive, and most effective calls to action and closing techniques built right into your website. However, if no one sees it - what good is it? Using MyVideoTalk video products alone, or in conjunction with each other, will DRIVE traffic to your website and increase your conversion rate of visitors to customers exponentially.

Look at the huge success of video sites like YouTube. Everyone knows the value of video - they are just not sure how to make the most out of this value into a highly integrated marketing strategy. With MyVideoTalk, you can reach your target audience quickly and easily without spending a ton of money in the process.
Do you have any idea how much it would cost a typical business owner to have his/her own TV channel? Much more than most businesses can afford and more than likely, not even something they have considered. With MyVideoWebShow, not only is this now a possibility, is becomes an unbelievably lost cost, easy-to-use, HD quality, extremely profitable way to get your message in front of the right people at the right time. The "right time" is crucial in marketing - now that "right time" can be any time with MyVideoWebShow! How powerful is that?

There is no other product like MyVideoWebShow out there on the market today so watch as the buzz unfolds about this amazing new technology for business and personal marketing. Don't you want to be part of the video revolution and be the first in your niche to have your own web channel? What a way to differentiate yourself from your competition. Don't wait - act now and be part of the way MVT is revolutionizing the video market.

MyVideoWebShow offers you the most powerful video platform to promote your brand that is so easy - it is like having your win TV station in a box! How cool is that?

For more information about MyVideoTalk, visit SupremeTeamNY at: