#Mybodyis Campaign Set to Change the Way Women View Their Bodies.

August 29 - October 8, 2016 - Embodied State of Mind launches the #mybodyis campaign to promote and celebrate diversity of real women in our society; because every body is a beautiful body.

Surveys indicate that 87% of US women1, which equates to a staggering 109 million women2, are unhappy with their body. Only 4% of women3 consider themselves beautiful. It is clear that in a society where so much emphasis is placed on body image, there is something fundamentally wrong and harmful about the way most women view their body. Accepting body dissatisfaction as a normal part of life is not a solution, and the #mybodyis campaign is set to change the way women view their body.

The #mybodyis campaign celebrates diversity of real women in our society and brings positive back to how we view our bodies for the better. It sheds negative descriptors and focuses on the incredible qualities our bodies exhibit. Wearing each perceived flaw or imperfection as a badge of true beauty and basking in the positive features that makes our bodies simply AMAZING.

The #mybodyis campaign encourages women of all ages, sizes and background to take part in the body positive conversations online (http://mybodyis.net/) by completing the #mybodyis… sentence with a positive one-word descriptor, uploading a candid photo of themselves and sharing a personal body changing story. The aim is to encourage real women to join the conversation about having a healthy body image and inspire other women to change their mindset with the help of their positive perceptive and journeys.

#mybodyis FREE events in New York include: Let’s Have A Body Positive Conversation gatherings; Change Your Mindset – Special #mybodyis Workshops; How to Take body Positive Selfies; Body Positive Outdoor Meditation, and a variety of Focus Groups. The end of the campaign will be marked by a celebration in Central Park on October 8th.

About Embodied State of Mind: Embodied State of Mind, LLC is a New York based Start-up, seeking to empower people with the skills and knowledge to revolutionize the way they feel about their body and lead a happier, healthier and more fulfilling life. 

Sources: 1. http://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/new-study-reveals-one-in-five-women-plan-to-pursue-cosmetic-surgery-300034188.html​; 2. US Census: https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/table/PST045215/00; 3. Dove Research: The Real Truth About Beauty: Revisited http://www.dove.com/us/en/stories/about-dove/our-research.html

Source: Embodied State of Mind

About Embodied State of Mind

Embodied State of Mind, LLC is a New York based Start-up, seeking to empower people with the skills and knowledge to revolutionize the way they feel about their body and lead a happier, healthier and more fulfilling life.

Embodied State of Mind
1350 Avenue of the Americas , #2nd Floor
New York, NY


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