MRPwebmedia Introduces The ConceptCreator, Your Website's Missing Ingredient

MRPwebmedia is pleased to announce the introduction of ConceptCreator©, a preproduction development process that acts as the initial step in creating an engaging, informative, entertaining, & above all memorable Web Video Campaign or Video Microsite

Toronto, Canada, September 22, 2009 -- Toronto, ON. ConceptCreator© is a new preproduction development process that acts as the initial step in creating an engaging, informative, entertaining, and above all memorable Web Video Campaign or Video Microsite; it is the Campaign Concept that states a company's differentiating marketing message within the context of its brand story.

ConceptCreator© is an exclusive MRPwebmedia creative service used to discover the emotional and psychological value that a company or its products promise; it forms the basis of all a company's marketing communication efforts and is the key to establishing a brand personality, market position, and corporate image. It states a company's promise and creates appropriate expectations. It is the missing ingredient on most company websites, and in their marketing communication efforts. It is the key to future marketing success. All a company needs is a willingness to think out-side-the-box.

ConceptCreator© is an inexpensive stand-alone service that puts marketing communication efforts on the right track. There is no further obligation beyond the initial ConceptCreator© stage, but if a company decides to go forward with the suggested Video Campaign or Video Microsite the cost of the service is deducted from the cost of the full project.
ConceptCreator© allows business owners and entrepreneurs to get ad agency quality concept development-work for a fraction of the cost, and it allows businesses to get their feet wet without any additional financial commitment.

Contactl Jerry Bader at (905) 764-1246 or email info@mrpwebmedia,com for further details
About MRPwebmedia

Jerry Bader is Senior Partner at MRPwebmedia, a website design firm that specializes in Web-audio and Web-video.